Hi all, I'm trying to make my own customized installation CD for RedHat 7 and I have a couple of questions to You. First, on the RedHat 7 ISO image, there's a directory (/RedHat/base) including a couple of files, e.g. comp and hdlist and a couple of image files. As far as I've understood, the comps file describes the packages located on the CD. And I've read that the file hdlist includes headers for of all the packages included on the CD. Is that right? But the other files in that directory, the images, what are for, and where in the installation process are they used? Second, If I change the content of the packages on the cd, i.e. the contents of the /RedHat/RPMS directory on the cd, then I understand that I have to change the content in the comps file to match the included packages. But do I also have to regenerate the hdlist file? Is so, how do I do that? Do I also have to change anything on the images contained in the /RedHat/base directory? Finally, I need to install PercRAID drivers and drivers for the network interfaces. Where and how do I do that? Best Regards, Peter Lewandowski ________________________________________ Peter Lewandowski, M.Sc.Th System Engineering Mobil: 070 - 690 61 51 Direkt: 08 - 630 51 92 Cygate Sweden AB Box 749 SE - 182 17 Danderyd www.cygate.se