Yeah - If I could substitute in the values somehow, that would rock.
Alas I don't see that anywhere in the docs.
I've almost considered the following:
1) start the install
2) target fetches remote config file
3) target runs script to decide partition sizes
4) target re-writes kickstart file with it's specific values & sends it
back to the server
5) target reboots, fetches it's specific config file & builds itself.
happy happy happy!
Honestly, though. this is probably way too much work. If I could
somehow just specify the parameters at runtime to anaconda - I'm
currently looking through /instimage/usr/lib/anaconda/ to see
what goes on there.
Suggestions welcome!
Taylor, ForrestX wrote:
That is a good question. In my ks.cfg file, after language, network and
keyboard, I have the partition info:
# partitions
zerombr yes
#clearpart --all
clearpart --linux
part swap --size 512
part /boot --size 512
part /home --size 3000
part /multimedia --size 5000
part / --size 5000 --grow
I believe that you could either put variables in for the size/partitions, or
use if/then/else, looking for workstation/server and using the different
partitioning schemes.
Does this help?