I'm just wondering if anyone has had anaconda blow up on them - Just
after it starts. I am attampting to perform an nfs installation, with
my kickstart config file also residing on the nfs server. the config
file is fetched without a hitch. I've had the same error on both
machines that I've attempted this on. The stack trace mentions the
/usr/bin/anaconda line 435 - something about 'extraModules'
3 references to /usr/lib/anaconda/todo.py - lines 375, 1088 & 245
I've seen that redhat has released 'update-disk-20001009.img' in their
/pub/redhat/updates/7.0/images/i386/ directory. It contains todo.py and
fstab.py - I replaced the corresponding files in the
instimage/usr/lib/anaconda directory with no avail - heck, I'm not even
sure if that's what I should've done with them!
Ideas? Hints? a Pat on the back?