Hi All,
I'm currently setting up an NFS kickstart server. Installations go
fine, except I'm still getting prompted for things that are specified in
my config file ( bare.ks ), like language for installation process,
keyboard type and media location.
I'm not prompted for packages, etc - this is read fine from bare.ks .
What is strange is that in the third terminal window, is says "mounting
nfs path kickstart.mydomain.ca:/export/Redhat " - yet it still asks me
for the installation medium!
I'm assuming that I've made an error in the config file, but There are
no errors reported in any of the virtual terminals.
Thanks for any help!
lang en_US
network --bootproto dhcp
nfs --server kickstart.mydomain.ca --dir /export/RedHat
keyboard us
zerombr yes
clearpart --all
part /boot --size 16
part swap --size 127
part / --size 1000 --grow --maxsize 1400
mouse genericps/2
timezone --utc US/Edmonton
rootpw paSSword
auth --useshadow --enablemd5
lilo --location mbr