Hi Alvin, From: "Alvin Cabrera" <acabrera@xxxxxxxx> Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 00:01:55 -0800 is it possible to have the ks.cfg on a bootable cd so it would automatically be read? i was thinking of possibly using this method to do a large scale canned installed without relying on user input or network support. the floppy isn't an option since the systems won't have one. any ideas on how to proceed to combine a floppy boot disk and the first rh7.0 cd? thanks in advance. My last bootable CD with ks.cfg I did 3/4 years ago - so my knowledge might be out of date: You can make a bootable CD. You have to install the package cdrecord... It should be on your linux distribution CD. Then look at the man pages of this packages for El Torito. El Torito can be used to produce bootable CDs. There you will find the options how to make a bootable CD. I build one in the past, so I might help you with further problems. You can find information how to set up a floppy at: http://www.go.dlr.de/linux/LDP/HOWTO/KickStart-HOWTO-5.html you have to copy your floppy image below the directrory which you want to burn on your bootable CD e.g. step 1 - make the boot image from the floppy dd if=/floppy/boot.img of=/imageroot/boot/boot.img bs=10k count=144 step 2 - make the isofs for the CD mkisofs -a -J -r -b boot/boot.img -c boot/boot.catalog -o bootcd.iso /imageroot/ Maybe I mixed up something after the times - hope this helps anyway, Gerd