I cannot make a kickstart install on a redhat 6.2 and a "ATI Xpert 98" video cart. I have the eeror in anaconda: File usr/lib/anaconda/xf8config.py line 174 in set vidcart self.devID=selfCards[self.primary] ["NAME"] Type error : sequence index must be integer But in the file "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Cards" on the cdrom there is the line : NAME ATI Xpert 98 SEE ATI Mach64 with Internal RAMDAC The manual installation is ok. The cmd : Xconfigurator --card "ATI Xpert 98" is ok Does any body have a solution . I have 30 machines to upgrade. My line in ks.cfg is : xconfig --server "Mach64" --card "ATI Xpert 98" --monitor "Philips 107S(17inch/CM1300)" --hsync 30.0-70.0 --vsync 50.0-160.0 --startxonboot Thank you for your help Roland -- Roland Dubouloz BULL OMNIS BULL SA mailto:Roland.Dubouloz@xxxxxxxx 1,Rue de Provence Phone :+33 (0)4 76 29 77 87 BP 208 Bullcom : 229-7787 38432 Echirolles CEDEX Office : A1-052 France Fax : +33 (0)4 76 29 70 02