just missing that the anaconda crash with a
"partition command requires one anonymous argument"
install exited abnormally
redhat.angus wrote:
Yet another kickstart problem (maybe yet another documentation error).
In the partition configuration, the RedHat Reference Guide tell
part <mntpoint> --size
<size> [--grow] [--onpart
<partc>] [--ondisk
<disk>] [--onprimary
<N>] [--asprimary <N>]
I would like to create a primary swap partition in the beginning of the
harddisk and a primary root partition just after so
zerombr yes
clearpart --all
part swap --size 259 --asprimary 1
part / --size 1000 --grow --asprimary 2
maybe i have missing something but documentation tell
--asprimary <N>
Forces auto allocation as a primary partition <N> or fail. <N> can be 1
through 4.
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