Daniel Roesen wrote: > > On Fri, Sep 22, 2000 at 08:07:01PM +0200, Roland Dubouloz wrote: > > Is there a way to enter the hostmane (execpt that with the %post) ? > > Let the nameserver return a proper FQDN for the --ip given in the > network line. > > > 2.- With a kickstart install (floppy + CDROM ) is it possible that > > all the network parameters (ip ,netmask, gateway,hostname ..) have > > ben enters by the operator during the installtion ? > > Yes. Just don't have a "network" line in the ks.cfg. The installer > will ask for the infos you don't supply in ks.cfg. No the installer ask nothing about the network !!!! that is my problem . Daniel thank you for your answer Best regards