Hello, I'm having some difficulty. As kickstart starts rolling, it dies. In the blue part of the screen, in white letters, the line: /tmp/raid0.o: a module named raid0 already exists displays. Then, the black part of the screen kicks back in and the following lines are displayed: exec: Permission denied install exited abmnormally ...and so on to 'you may safely reboot your system' On the second virtual terminal, there are two lines: /tmp/raid5.o: a module named raid5 already exists exec: Permission denied The last items on the third virtual console are lines indicating raid modules are being loaded. The fourth console indicates the 'raid[015] personality registered'. Here is my ks.cfg file: lang en_US network --bootproto dhcp nfs --server --dir /export/kickstart/ device ethernet tulip keyboard "us" zerombr yes clearpart --linux part /boot --size 32 part swap --size 128 part / --size 1 --grow install mouse genericps/2 --emulthree timezone US/Eastern xconfig --server "SVGA" --monitor "ViewSonic G773" rootpw --iscrypted xx auth --useshadow --enablemd5 lilo --location mbr reboot %packages @ GNOME Workstation %post (Yes, there is a valid encrypted password in the actual file.) Any ideas? Thanks, Chris