[PATCH] lots and lots of updates to the yumcmd module: - add install/remove method - add version-specific rpmdbVersion method - add get_package_lists method - handle many errors better - return more interesting results from install/remove/update commands - lay groundwork for other handling

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 func/minion/modules/yumcmd.py |  144 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/func/minion/modules/yumcmd.py b/func/minion/modules/yumcmd.py
index b361d76..b44a39f 100644
--- a/func/minion/modules/yumcmd.py
+++ b/func/minion/modules/yumcmd.py
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-# Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc
+# Copyright 2010, Red Hat, Inc
 # James Bowes <jbowes@xxxxxxxxxx>
 # Alex Wood <awood@xxxxxxxxxx>
+# Seth Vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
 # general public license.
@@ -9,41 +10,126 @@
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-import func_module
+# - config_dict handling
+# multiple commands in a single call - multiple() == yum shell
+# - permanent config changes
+# - better _makeresults() that doesn't make me kinda hurl and makes the output more sensible
+import func_module
+from codes import FuncException
 # XXX Use internal yum callback or write a useful one.
 class DummyCallback(object):
     def event(self, state, data=None):
+def _makeresults(tsInfo):
+    results = ''
+    for pkg in tsInfo:
+        # FIXME obviously much more should happen here :)
+        if pkg.ts_state:
+            results += '%s\n' % pkg
+    return results
+def _singleAction(action, items=[], config_dict={}, **kwargs):
+    #FIXME - config_dict needs to do the equiv of --setopt in the yumcli
+    import yum
+    ayum = yum.YumBase()
+    ayum.doGenericSetup()
+    ayum.doRepoSetup()
+    if type(items) == type([]):
+        pkglist = []
+        for p in items:
+            pkglist.extend(p.split(' '))
+    else:
+        if items:
+            pkglist = items.split(' ')
+        else:
+            pkglist = []
+    if len(pkglist) == 0 and action not in ('update', 'upgrade'):
+        raise FuncException("%s requires at least one pkg" % action)
+    results = 'command: %s %s\n' % (action, ' '.join(pkglist))
+    try:
+        ayum.doLock()
+        if pkglist:
+            for p in pkglist:
+                tx_mbrs = []
+                if action == 'install':
+                    tx_mbrs = ayum.install(pattern=p)
+                elif action in ('remove', 'erase'):
+                    tx_mbrs = ayum.remove(pattern=p)
+                elif action in ('update', 'upgrade'):
+                    tx_mbrs = ayum.update(pattern=p)
+                if not tx_mbrs:
+                    results += "No %s matched for %s\n" % (action, p)
+        else:
+            ayum.update()
+        ayum.buildTransaction()
+        ayum.processTransaction(
+                callback=DummyCallback())
+    finally:
+        results += _makeresults(ayum.tsInfo)
+        ayum.closeRpmDB()
+        ayum.doUnlock()
+    return results
 class Yum(func_module.FuncModule):
     version = "0.0.1"
     api_version = "0.1.0"
     description = "Package updates through yum."
-    def update(self, pkg=None):
+    from yum import __version__ as yumversion
+    yvertuple = yumversion.split('.')
+    if int(yvertuple[0]) == 3 and int(yvertuple[2]) >= 25:
+        def rpmdbVersion(self, **kwargs):
+            import yum
+            ayum = yum.YumBase()
+            versionlist = ayum.rpmdb.simpleVersion(main_only=True)
+            version = versionlist[0]
+            return versionlist
+    def update(self, pkg=None, config_dict={}):
+        return _singleAction('update', items=pkg, config_dict=config_dict)
+    def install(self, pkg=None, config_dict={}):
+        return _singleAction('install', items=pkg, config_dict=config_dict)
+    def remove(self, pkg=None, config_dict={}):
+        return _singleAction('remove', items=pkg, config_dict=config_dict)
+    #def multiple(self, cmdlist=[]):
+    #    """take multiple commands as a single transaction - equiv of yum shell"""
+    #    raise FuncException("Not Implemented Yet!"
+    def get_package_lists(self, pkgspec='installed,available,obsoletes,updates,extras', config_dict={}):
         import yum
         ayum = yum.YumBase()
-        try:
-            ayum.doLock()
-            if pkg not in [None, '']:
-                tx_result = ayum.update(pattern=pkg)
-            else:
-                tx_result = ayum.update()
-            ayum.buildTransaction()
-            ayum.processTransaction(
-                    callback=DummyCallback())
-        finally:
-            ayum.closeRpmDB()
-            ayum.doUnlock()
-        return map(str, tx_result)
+        resultsdict = {}
+        pkgspec = pkgspec.replace(',',' ')
+        pkgtypes = pkgspec.split(' ')
+        for pkgtype in pkgtypes:
+            pkgtype = pkgtype.strip()
+            obj = ayum.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow=pkgtype)
+            if hasattr(obj, pkgtype):
+                thislist = getattr(obj, pkgtype)
+                output_list = sorted(map(str, thislist))
+                resultsdict[pkgtype] = output_list
+        return resultsdict
     def check_update(self, filter=[], repo=None):
         """Returns a list of packages due to be updated
            You can specify a filter using the standard yum wildcards
@@ -98,6 +184,26 @@ class Yum(func_module.FuncModule):
                     'description':"Updating system according to a specified pattern"
+                'install':{
+                    'args':{
+                        'pkg':{
+                            'type':'string',
+                            'optional':False,
+                            'description':"The yum pattern for installing package"
+                            }
+                        },
+                    'description':"install package(s) according to a specified pattern"
+                    },
+                'remove':{
+                    'args':{
+                        'pkg':{
+                            'type':'string',
+                            'optional':False,
+                            'description':"The yum pattern for removing package"
+                            }
+                        },
+                    'description':"remove package(s) according to a specified pattern"
+                    },

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