Someone stole my idea

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And actually implemented it better than I had in mind.

My name is Arthur Pemberton, and I was just browsing through the
Google Summer of Code 2008. And it looks a lot like this idea that I
had in mind, except that i did actually start coding it, except for
starting a file tree [1].

So I am curious as to if working on this to kind of merge in my
(incomplete) idea would be a welcomed GSoC project.

So here is the idea I had:

First of all, I named my idea LiCo (short for Linux Commander). The
idea was to make point and click admin types comfortable with managing
groups of machines (so forgive any proceeding Windows analogies). I
was going to create a UI, the only part I actually started, with PyQt
and use python over SSH to command n number of Linux machines to do
simple operations: 'update machine', 'sync time', 'copy remote file'

A typical use case would be:
1) browse through machines and machine groups
2) choose machines machine groups (list of machines would be flattened
3) Create a batch of actions to run against those machines
4) Hit the 'Run' button
5) Operations begin executing in the background (probably with the
ability to attach a viewing window to any machine)

Features I had in mind:
* plugin architecture (each plugin would handle its actions, and draw
any required dailog boxes)
* capable of handling valid combinations of: password login, key
login, root login (sudo, su -)
* run well across Windows, Linux and MacOS
* could be "compiled" with py2exe for Windows.
* be able to organize machines into non-exclusive groups

One significant differences between my idea and Func's actual
implemntation (if I've read correctly) is that I was hoping to use ssh
only, so the controlled machine would need no additional software, but
I am not even yet sure how feasible that is so Func's approach seems
more realistic.

Anyways, if the devs are interested and willing to mentor this as a
GSoC project let me know. If not I'll be looking through your code and
see how things are done as 'LiCo' was to be a long term learning
project for me -- so your code would be very educational.

Fedora 9 : sulphur is good for the skin
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