Luca Lesinigo wrote:
Il giorno 26/ago/08, alle ore 15:56, Luca Lesinigo ha scritto:
I found out the hard way that XML-RPC doesn't like integers bigger
than 32bit, so the space is reported in 1KiB units. This gives us a
maximum fs size of 4TiB, which is rather small.
I'm unaware of that problem. Interesting.
Added a test case to the test module demonstrating the issue. Patch
it has been fixed in python SVN some three months
I don't know python's release process/policy so I don't know if
they'll backport the fix or keep it only in python-2.6. I have a
feeling that they'll only put it in the next 2.5 bugfix release, if
one will ever exist.
Seems like func will need a workaround or to expect exceptions
whenever > 32bit quantities shows up (memory stuff in hardware info?
network traffic counters in current (if any) or future modules?)
Luca Lesinigo
Func-list mailing list
A valid, if not heinous, workaround is to return the number as a string,
and then deal with the conversion on the overlord module side (if any)
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