Re: Return data from modules

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Luca Lesinigo wrote:
Il giorno 23/ago/08, alle ore 14:12, Krzysztof A. Adamski ha scritto:
How do you see a "global" switch to choose between human- and machine- readable outputs? The commandline interface could default to human and the API to machine. Something like:
func -m $host call $mymodules blah    ---> machine-readable output
func -h $host call... ---> human-readable
output func $host call.... ---> human-readable output
I like the general idea but it is not going to work the way you proposed. First of all, you are giving "-h" or "-m" argument to func command line utility while it would be much easier to just implement this in "call" cmd_module. The actual data is returned by the module so you have to tell the module in which way it should be returned.
Mine was just an example. Depends on where and how you want to put the formatting code.

This can be done in various ways but it's important to think about good one and use it in all modules.
the way I see it, it's a piece of information that relates to the global func behavior, since the func caller would either want all human-readable stuff or all machine-ready stuff. I'd implement it as a func (meaning the actual command) switch (it could also affect locally generated output like errors and whatever), and the the client would inform the remote funcd daemon about its output preferences.

Patches are welcome.
I was sure of that :)

Luca Lesinigo


Func-list mailing list

The modules themselves should ideally return output that is not formatted for humans, with overlord side modules used to print them.

This was the idea around the "func '*' show..." commands, though I don't think anyone is really using them.

I don't like the idea of a "-h" as that essentially means each module must make the "-h" distinction.

Ultimately, I'd like to see things like "show" fleshed out as an alternative to "call" for commands that return output for humans. Call should be viewed as the quick route to calling modules, but not the only route... for instance, func-inventory is a tool built on /several/ func commands, but call is just a simple way to call one of them. So, we can build up this sort of functionality in things like "show" if need be, or create other minion side modules that expose other different functionality.


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