Great FudCON.
Adrian gave the Func talk Saturday, which drew a very nice crowd, and
thanks to everyone that made it.
Not counting the various discussions outside of it as well, HackFest was
also productive:
-- Ideas and planning for a TurboGears-based web equivalent of
system-config-* apps (and more) using Func, we're calling this FuncWeb
but maybe it should be called "Dragicorn" because, it may very well be
that awesome. Multi-system super-scalable asynchronous ajaxified webmin
slayer, even.
-- New modueles for ps_mem, networking testing, and I forget what else
-- A patch to make the Client module throw exceptions if you're using
the API and prefer that to return codes
-- Asynchronous command dispatch is about 3/4 done, should finish up
early next week
-- Funcd is now threaded so multiple func cli's/client/API handles can
call multiple commands at the same time (very cool)
-- added some tests
-- fixed up some functions here and there.
We still have lots of other ideas on the FuncIdeas page to do as well,
so that's great. If anyone on the list is interested in hacking
on those, that would be /awesome/.
Particularly I do want to see the list of modules evolve more, and to
get better docs together.
We didn't get around at implementing minion-to-minion, but that is
obviously a priority also. Finally, we also still need to fix the yum
logging bug in some versions of yum, and do know how to do that...
hopefully next week for that.
Thanks Everyone! I am really excited about the potential for Func now,
very glad to see all the interest, and we have some great
places to take the app. Watch this space :)
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