I'm still waiting on some info from a few people.
But at this point, I'm thinking the Fedora Women Project might be best
as a brief side bar.
There are lots of women doing things with and for Fedora, but like women
all over the world we're ususally busy doing too much.
Anna Marcinkiewicz wrote:
Hallo Karlie,
well, in an article you can also write about the idea of the project, if there
is not a lot of history to write about...
Would you be interested in writing something for us? Maybe you have some
interesting ideas to propose?
Best regards,
Anna Marcinkiewicz
Dnia środa 27 wrzesień 2006 10:33, napisałeś:
Good morning, Anna.
What Topics would you like?
The Fedora Women Project is just kicking off, so there's not a lot of
history to include in an article.
~Karlie Robinson
Fedora-women-list mailing list