Move web repo to pagure - considerations

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Hi all,
in the last weeks we had some discussions on IRC about moving the webrepository from fedorahosted to pagure and I also filed a ticket [1] to collect opinions about this proposal. There are several advantages for us to move over there and we will start moving with the next release cycle, which has started these days (we will branch during weekend or next week probably).
I've set up a testing repository [2] where I also wrote some docs to test how this would look like. It is working really fine and having a unique place for all our stuff where we can easily handle PRs is a big enhancement.

At this point there are several opinions about how to move to pagure. Personally I want to reduce the weight of the web-repo, which is about 660MB or better, 870Mb uncompressed. Not only we have many branches in there, the reason of all these MBs are static binaries and mainly images we collected over all the last years.
If we want to solve this problem, we have two options, in both cases all team members MUST rebase or even reclone the repository:

1) We can run a "git gc --aggressive" on the repo, but a test (thanks nb) confirmed we would not save too much space. Pros for this solution are:
* people can just rebase and setup the new pagure URL in the git config file
* we keep all history and commit credits
* we can keep also branches where we have ongoing development

2) We could start a complete new repository, which would give us also the possibility to delete many heavy binaries we are not using at all. We would probably end up with an uncompressed size of less than 200MB. There are several cons, but in this specific moment we are able to handle them:
* we will loose commit credits and history ^
* we cannot build any other branch than master and f24-alpha ^^
* all members MUST reclone the repository (has the advantage that it would be a clean solution and it will be much faster than now)

^ would be still there and if needed we can look in the web UI if we need to find out how things changed in a specific commit. Also, people can obviously keep the old fedora-web repo locally and use it for investigations. Commit credits could be saved in a CREDITS file we can put into the new repo.
^^ Actually all websites are built against master branch and we would build staging with f24-alpha. Our devel branches are just 2, both of them can be merged to master without creating conflicts or risks to break our production websites.

All this said, personally I'd really like to go for a new repository and archive all the stuff we have now in the old repo. Any opinions about that? Other ideas or concerns?

Thank you, specially for reading my long mail until the end.


Robert Mayr
websites mailing list

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