Here at Systems Development Associates Inc. we have developed for our own purposes and internal use a customization of Fedora8 and Fedora12 that we call sdaLinux. Recently we have contemplated offering sdaLinux to the public on a basis somewhere between the "here take it" attitude of the free software people and the "all the traffic will bear" basis of our more mercenary colleagues. While trying determine what our options are and decide where in that spectrum to operate, I entered "", which is mentioned by the Fedora12 install process, and here I am. "Here" is sdaLinux itself ,which is still being tested, so I am going to CC this to my normal "sda" operating email address sdacorner@xxxxxxxxxxxx and reforward it to you from there. That way we can use a system that is not in a test environment.
Regards, R D Wheaton
Corporate Secretary
Systems Development Associates Inc.
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