Keith Watchey search project

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Hello Webmaster team,

I was contacted by a Keith Watchey who is desperately trying to get to the bottom of why his name is showing up on one of the Fedora Project hosted sites. Any chance that someone can let me know who would be able to handle something like this? Is there another Fedora core team that might be a better fit for this type of trouble shooting?

Here is the information that he sent to me. It seems that the events unfolded as such:

1. his name came up on a search.
2. he contacted the guy who told him

That is a test page included with our operating system; we don't
actually control the site in question.  For more information, please
refer to

To determine the actual owner, you should do a whois lookup of the

3. He contacted a company called Mail Logic (mark mail) who pointed him back to Fedora.
4. He called Red Hat.

I have some of the more detailed information, but didn't want to cloud up this e-mail until I was able to get in touch with the right person.

Thank you!

Laura Littleton
Red Hat Customer Service Representative - North America
Office: 919.754.4203
Email: llittlet@xxxxxxxxxx
IRC: llittlet

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