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On 03/23/2012 10:00 AM, Waldemar Antonik wrote:
> many thanks Buddhike, I appreciate your quick reply on this. I'll
> wait then for my login name : 'breadfan' being activated and
> initial password being sent to me, so that i could set up my
> account at Fedora for future tranlations.


So I don't have any special authorization to manage or look at
accounts, but I can see that your account is there from a general
query to the account system:

15:28 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with zodbot
15:28 <quaid> fasinfo breadfan
15:28 <zodbot> User: breadfan, Name: Waldemar Antonik, email:
waldemar.antonik@xxxxxxxx, Creation: 2012-03-22, IRC Nick: None,
Timezone: UTC, Locale: C, GPG key ID: None, Status: active
15:28 <zodbot> Approved Groups: None

Can you tell us what you are trying to do to set or recover your password?

You should be able to go to this page:


Click on "Forgot Password?", then put breadfan in to the  "Username:"
field and waldemar.antonik@xxxxxxxx in to the 'Email:' field, then
click "Reset".

If you have done that but not received an email, you should check any
spam folders you have.

It's likely the account system is sending you an email to reset your
password, but the email is not getting to your inbox for some reason.

If you look through all your mail and spam folders but cannot find
anything, then we could ask the Infrastructure team to check the mail
logs. That can be requested by anyone with an account creating a
ticket at http://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure .

- - Karsten
- --
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Architect
team:    Red Hat Community Architecture & Leadership
uri:              http://communityleadershipteam.org
gpg:                                        AD0E0C41
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
