Ricky Zhou wrote:
On 2008-04-24 12:00:54 AM, Paul W. Frields wrote:
On Wed, 2008-04-23 at 22:53 -0500, Mike McGrath wrote:
Have we tested what happens to the countdown timer when we do release?
Are we going to manually change the banner or does it happen on its own?
I turned the time back to see, and I get text that says "Fedora 9 is
here!" but no graphical banner. Mike believes that the graphic is
replaced when we have confirmed the final release is actually out on the
wires. Until then, maybe a placeholder? ("Hold on, F9 is coming...")
On *some* of the locales I did a "0" image. While is still suboptimal (o
days remaining???), it was a temporary fall-back.
I'm just thinking about people who have put banners on their sites
according to our instructions and what *their* visitors see. It sounds
like the answer is "nothing bad," which is a satisfactory answer! :-)s
It looks like we still need to make a final banner :).
Nicu - do you think we could make something that has a minimal impact on
l10n? Perhaps we could pull a string for "Get Fedora" straight out of
the PO files (I have a list of the translations for "Get Fedora" at
Yup, I can do that quickly, or we can have something saying only "Fedora
9", as the attached image (as you can see, it also changed the look by
dropping the crystals, to fit the final desktop theme).
nicu :: http://nicubunu.ro :: http://nicubunu.blogspot.com
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