On Mon, 5 Nov 2007, Mike McGrath wrote:
Max Spevack wrote:
On Mon, 5 Nov 2007, Max Spevack wrote:
We need to make it AMAZINGLY EASY for the 90% of the users who are going
to show up at fedoraproject.org on release day looking for the x86 Live CD
or the x86 Installable DVD.
I know that spins.fedoraproject.org exists basically to solve this very
problem. But from what I understand that isn't quite ready for release
day, and so we need a stopgap measure.
We actually did a great deal of work on making it easier to download
Fedora. We're down to 2 clicks this time (though you don't see that on
the Fedora 7 page right now) After clicking on "Get Fedora" they get
this page:
Is that more of what you're looking for? Thats what it will be for
the Fedora 8 launch unless you'd like us to change something. That
ones all translated and stuff :)
This is WONDERFUL. Once again, it is proven to me that the Fedora
Community is way more on top of things that I am individually.
I think this looks great, and I will rest easy tonight.
And now I can finish my article and actually have some URLs to include
in it.
I just need to pay better attention to where stuff like this is staged
in the future.
Thanks for pointing me at it, Mike. And thanks to the folks who
designed it!
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