Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek wrote:
I wanted to help with design...
But if you say no...
If you want to help throw something together (and can do mockups
quickly) we'd greatly appreciate it. The design requirements as I know
them are:
:: big breath ::
- search box must only be on start.fedoraproject.org and
search.fedoraproject.org (not other properties like
- search box can't be directly incorporated into a client application
(e.g. firefox search toolbar) without amending agreement
- can't provide substantially equivalent search or ad results from
another search or ad provider on these 2 properties while agreement in
place (initial term: 2 years)
- can't co-mingle search capability with pornographic, hate-related,
violent, or illegal content on these properties
- must comply with search provider's brand usage, copyright, and
trademark guidelines (details provided at URL), including showing an
appropriate search partner logo on all search and result pages, at
least 75x32 pixels above the fold (see mockup for example of how we
fulfill this requirement)
There are further restrictions on implementation of search results
page (hosted by Red Hat):
- search results and ads can only be displayed on
start.fedoraproject.org and search.fedoraproject.org
- can't edit, modify, truncate, filter, or change the order of search
results or ads returned
- can't co-mingle search results or ads from search provider with
those not from search provider
- can't modify search terms from users before passing on with search request
- must pass end user IP address and user agent in addition to search
terms with request
- can't frame the results page or destination pages (e.g. HTML frame or iframe)
- can't monkey with destination page URLs (e.g. to add redirect page,
insert interstitial page ad, etc)
- can't implement click tracking of ads or search results
- can't display search results or ads in pop-up, pop-under, exit
windows, expanding buttons, animation, or other funky/scammy stuff
like that
- can't return search results or ads to parties other than real human
end users (e.g. the search provider doesn't provide a free web
services search API, and thus we can't provide one using their
- can't inhibit the display of search results or ads on result pages
- result page must display 2 wide format ads and 5 narrow format ads
(if available for search term) above the fold on an 800x600 browser
- ads must be explicitly marked as "sponsored links"
- can't re-sell the search or ad service
- can't generate automatic or fraudulent queries or ad clicks
- can't encourage end users to click on ads by offering incentives or
other methods that are deceptive or fraudulent
- can't cache search results or ads in a non-transitory manner
If you think you can whip up something for our start page, please do so
and soon. Unfortunately the agreement isn't done yet but it would be
good to get some looks together. I've CC'd the websites team so they
know as well.
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