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        <p>Red Hat, Inc. has a long and distinguished history of being
        an active contributor to the open source software
        community. One of the key features of open source software is
        that anyone has the right to copy, modify and redistribute the
        software, subject to the terms and conditions of certain
        license agreements or copyright permissions, such as the GNU
        General Public License. It is important to understand that,
        although Red Hat allows third parties to replicate its open
        source software under the GNU GPL, absent a written agreement
        or other express permission it does not allow third parties to
        use its trademarks. For example, absent a trademark license
        from Red Hat,a party would have the right to copy, modify and
        sell Red Hat&#8217;s open source software, but they would have to
        call it by another name. Red Hat has always been fully
        supportive of open source rights with regard to copyrights and
        demonstrates that support by releasing the software we develop
        under open source licenses. This document is designed to
        provide guidance on how the software developed and marketed
        under the <?  print $PROJECT_NAME; ?> may be marketed by
        others, using Red Hat&#8217;s <? print $TRADEMARK_NAME; ?>.</p>

        <h3>A Brief Introduction To Copyright And Trademark Law As They
          Relate To Software</h3>

        <p>The guidelines in this document are based on United States
        law. Although many countries follow the same principles
        discussed below, the laws of other countries may also differ on
        some points.</p>


        <p>Copyright law protects the expression of an idea.
        Fedora&trade; consists of hundreds of software modules, some
        developed by Red Hat and many developed by other members of the
        open source community. Those authors hold the copyrights in the
        modules or code they developed. At the same time, the combined
        body of work that constitutes Fedora&trade; is a collective work
        which has been organized by the Fedora&trade; Project, and the
        Fedora Project holds the copyright in that collective work.
        Fedora Project then permits others to copy, modify and
        redistribute the collective work. To grant this permission the
        Fedora Project usually uses the GNU General Public License
        ("GPL") version 2 and the Fedora Project&#8217;s own End User License
        Agreement. Although software licensed under the GPL is "open
        source software," the Fedora Project retains ownership of the
        copyright in its collective work. If someone violates the GPL
        regarding that collective work, only the Fedora Project, as the
        copyright owner and licensor of that collective work, has legal
        authority to enforce the GPL against the violator. Although the
        Fedora Project "owns" the collective work, in licensing it under
        the GPL, the Fedora Project grants broad rights in the
        collective work to others. Neither the GPL nor the Fedora
        Project&#8217;s End User License Agreement grant any right to use Red
        Hat&#8217;s trademarks in the redistribution of the collective
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        <h2>Fedora Trademark Guidelines</h2>
        <h3>Basic Introduction</h3>

        <p>Trademarks are used to identify the source of goods and
        services in the market. Trademark law is best understood as
        consumer protection law, since it enables consumers of
        products to know the source of the products they purchase and
        allows them to distinguish those products from the products of
        other vendors. This is important in order to ensure that
        consumers are not fooled into purchasing a product of one
        company while believing it is a product of another

        <p>For instance, Heinz&reg; ketchup is a well-known brand of
        ketchup. If Jones Company decided to make its own ketchup, and
        was able to market it as Heinz&reg; ketchup, Jones Company
        would profit in the sale of its ketchup from the customer
        goodwill established by the owner of the well-known Heinz&reg;
        brand. Although that might be good for Jones Company, it could
        be bad for the consumers who purchased the Jones Company
        ketchup, believing that it was Heinz&reg; ketchup. Such
        trademark use would be impermissible under applicable
        law. This is true even though the Jones Company ketchup
        contains exactly the same ingredients as the Heinz&reg;

        <p>A similar situation arises with the trademarks owned by Red
        Hat. Many consumers have come to trust the Red Hat&reg;
        branded products and services, and look for a Red Hat brand,
        including <? print $TRADEMARK_NAME; ?> when they obtain our
        open source products. As a result, consumers who obtain
        products that are labeled <? print $TRADEMARK_NAME; ?> or some
        close variation (see "Use of <? print $BASE_NAME; ?>
        Trademark") believe that they are the official products of the
        <? print $PROJECT_NAME; ?>. Consumers often expect that such
        products will contain features that are available only from
        the <? print $PROJECT_NAME; ?>. In order to protect consumers,
        Red Hat has an obligation to ensure that its trademarks are
        not used to identify the products of other companies or used
        in any other manner which states or implies an association or
        sponsorship by Red Hat of other companies' products.</p>
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        <h2>Fedora Trademark Guidelines</h2>
        <h3>Protection of Trademarks</h3>

        <p>Under trademark law, owners of trademarks who use their
        trademarks improperly or who fail to police the use of their
        trademarks by others may lose their rights in those
        trademarks. For instance, now-common words such as "zipper"
        and "elevator" were trademarks at one time. Their owners
        allowed the marks to be widely known and used as generic names
        for the associated products, and, as a result, all trademark
        protection was lost. Some examples of trademarks that are
        protected by their owners at great lengths today from such
        "genericide" include Kleenex&reg; brand facial tissues,
        Band-Aid&reg; brand bandages and Xerox&reg; brand
        photocopiers. In addition to monitoring the use of trademarks
        by others, policing also requires maintaining control over the
        nature and quality of the goods and services that are marketed
        under the trademarks.</p>

        <p>Red Hat has filed to register the trademark Fedora&trade; in
        the United States Patent and Trademark Office. We are also
        seeking registration of the mark in many other countries
        around the world, have filed applications to register the mark
        in still other countries, and we will continue to aggressively
        register our trademarks in countries where we do business.</p>

        <p>Our unregistered trademarks are also protected under
        trademark law. Unregistered trademarks of Red Hat include,
        RPM&trade; and Bluecurve&trade;.</p>

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        <h2>Fedora Trademark Guidelines</h2>
        <h3>&quot;Fair Use&quot; of Trademarks</h3>

        <p>Although a trademark owner should take action to police the
        use of its trademarks by others, it cannot prevent others from
        using its trademarks under all circumstances. For instance, a
        company may refer to the trademarks of competing products in
        marketing its own products. As an example, Burger King might
        choose to state in advertisements that &#8220;Burger King&reg;
        french fries were preferred over McDonald&#8217;s&reg; french fries
        in a taste test.&#8221; Although McDonald&#8217;s&reg; is a trademark of
        McDonald&#8217;s Corporation, Burger King could mention it in its
        marketing in this fashion so long as the statement is truthful
        and not misleading, does not imply an improper association
        with or sponsorship by McDonald&#8217;s and otherwise complies with
        applicable laws. A key element in evaluating whether the use
        of someone else&#8217;s trademark is acceptable is whether the use
        is likely to cause confusion in the marketplace as to the
        source or sponsorship of a product. Burger King&#8217;s use of
        &#8221;McDonald&#8217;s&reg;&#8221; in the statement above is not likely to lead
        consumers to believe that Burger King&reg; french fries are a
        product of McDonald&#8217;s or that Burger King&reg; french fries
        emanate from or are sponsored or approved by McDonald&#8217;s

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        <h2>Fedora Trademark Guidelines</h2> 

        <h3>Use of the Fedora Mark and Other Red Hat Trademarks Which
          Are Included in Fedora</h3>

        <p>One of the purposes of the Fedora Project is to make a
        cutting-edge version of Linux&reg; widely available in a
        consistent format that the public can come to trust. In order
        to achieve this purpose it is important that the technology
        can quickly be identified and that the recipient knows the
        technology they are receiving is the official and unmodified
        version. Red Hat has chosen the Fedora&trade; mark to identify
        this effort and is granting broad usage rights in that
        trademark in order to assure widespread availability.</p>

        <p>Companies, governments, schools or individuals who wish to
        produce CD-ROM and other products that contain the software
        which the Fedora Project distributes under the Fedora&trade;
        may do so as long as they follow these guidelines. Except as
        expressly granted herein or under rights of fair use, no party
        has a right to use the Fedora&trade; mark in association with
        the software provided by the Fedora Project. Doing so would
        cause confusion among the customers who obtain those products,
        because they may believe they are obtaining a product
        emanating from or sponsored by the Fedora Project but, in
        reality, it is a product of another company altogether.</p>

        <p>To address this issue, we have developed the following
        guidelines for the use of the Fedora&trade; trademark and such
        other Red Hat marks as are included in Fedora&trade;. These
        guidelines are designed to serve both consumers of Linux-based
        products, to ensure that they know the source of the products
        they purchase, and publishers of Linux-based products, so that
        they can avoid improperly generating confusion in the

        <h2>Use of the Brand &#8220;Fedora&#8221;</h2> 

        <p>Fedora&trade; is a trademark of Red Hat, Inc. and may only be
        used with Red Hat Inc.&#8217;s express permission. Except as
        provided herein, you may not use &#8220;Fedora&#8221; or any confusingly
        similar mark as a trademark for your product, or use &#8220;Fedora&#8221;
        in any other manner that might cause confusion in the
        marketplace, including in advertising, on auction sites, or on
        software or hardware. Any party wishing to use the
        Fedora&trade; mark may do so as long as they meet two

          <li>They must only use the Fedora&trade; mark in association
          with the original Fedora&trade; code found on the Fedora
          Project website (see <a
          without modification; and</li>

          <li>If they charge a fee for the CD-ROM or other media on
          which they deliver the Fedora&trade; code, they warranty the
          media on which the Fedora&trade; code is delivered, thus
          ensuring that the recipient receives a usable copy.</li>

        <p>This same permission applies to such other Red Hat trademarks
        as are included in the authorized Fedora&trade; distribution,
        such as RPM&trade;. Except as expressly stated herein, no
        other rights are granted to use any other Red Hat trademarks,
        specifically including the RED HAT&reg; and &#8220;Shadowman&#8221;
        logo&reg; marks. <em>Absolutely no exceptions</em>.</p>

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        <h2>Fedora Trademark Guidelines</h2> 

        <h3>Publishing And Marketing Fedora&trade; Software That Has
          Been Modified</h3>

        <p>As a licensee under the GPL and other applicable licenses,
        you may make modifications to the software contained in
        Fedora&trade; and may market the revised product in accordance
        with the terms of the copyright licenses. In order to do this,
        you must follow these guidelines:</p>

          <li><p>You must comply with all applicable copyright licenses
          for the software and the trademark guidelines in this

          <li><p>You may not name or brand your product &#8220;Fedora&#8221; or use
          the Fedora&trade; or Red Hat&reg; trademarks in any way,
          either on your product or in related advertising. You must
          use a different trademark for your product that will not
          cause confusion with the trademarks of Red Hat, will not
          indicate or imply that your product originates from or is
          sponsored or approved by Red Hat, and which otherwise
          complies with applicable trademark laws.</p></li>

          <li><p>You may not state that your product &#8220;contains
          Fedora&trade;&#8221; This would amount to impermissible use of
          Red Hat&#8217;s trademarks.</p></li>

          <li><p>You must modify the files identified as FEDORA-LOGOS
          and ANACONDA-IMAGES so as to remove all use of images
          containing the &#8220;Fedora&#8221; trademark.  Note that mere
          deletion of these files may corrupt the software.</p></li>

        <p>Shipping Fedora&trade; code unmodified from the original
        download with separate patches that may be applied by the end
        user at his/her discretion is not a modification of the
        original code, provided:</p>

        <ol type="a">
          <li><p>The original Fedora&trade; code is intact and
          identifiable at the time of installation and on the media
          on which the code is delivered;</p></li>

          <li><p>The patches are provided independent of the original
          Fedora&trade; code and are identifiable on the media on
          which the code is delivered;</p></li>

          <li><p>The end user is given the discretion as to whether to
          install the patches; and</p></li>

          <li><p>Any marketing materials related to such a distribution
          make clear that the vendor is providing patches which, if
          installed by the user, will modify the Fedora&trade; code
          from its original form.</p></li>
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        <h2>Fedora Trademark Guidelines</h2> 

        <h3>Authorized FTP or Electronic Download Sites</h3>

        <p>If you have requested from the Fedora Project the ability to
        serve as an FTP or other electronic download site, you have
        permission to identify the download using the Fedora&trade;
        trademark. If you are using the Fedora&trade; mark to identify
        the download, we ask that you also display the following
        statement: &#8220;This distribution of Fedora&trade; is subject to
        Fedora&#8217;s End User License Agreement which may be found at <a
        Of course, you are always permitted to redistribute the code
        without utilizing the Fedora&trade; trademark so long as you
        otherwise comply with the GNU General Public License and
        Fedora&#8217;s Trademark Guidelines. Please bear in mind that you are
        solely responsible for ensuring that the download you provide
        contains no modifications from the software you obtained
        directly from the Fedora Project.</p>

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              <li><a href="page3.html">&quot;Fair Use&quot; of Trademarks</a></li>
              <li><a href="page4.html">Use of Fedora&trade; Trademark</a></li>
              <li><a href="page5.html">Publishing and Marketing
                Fedora&trade; Software That Has Been Modified</a></li>
              <li><a href="page6.html">Authorized FTP or Electronic Download Sites</a></li>
              <li><a href="page7.html">Conclusion</a></li>
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        <h1>Fedora Trademark Guidelines</h1>


        <p>This document is designed to assist both publishers of
        Linux-based products and consumers of those products.  If you
        are aware of violations of them, please contact us at <a

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