Re: Templating -- mirrormanager and our other websites

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On Sat, 2007-07-28 at 19:29 +0100, Dimitris Glezos wrote:
> (To moderator: sorry for the same email sent from the other email address.)
> Hi all.
> Last night I played a bit with the mirrormanager kid templates:
> and tried to bring them along the lines of the current master
> template and the look-n-feel of the content of, and
> came up to this:
> Here's a list of most of our websites:
> In order to bring some of these under a common look-and-feel we can have
> something like the following:
>  - CSS
>    - One global CSS that "just works" (think:
>    - One CSS with commonly-used items like the heading icons, etc.
>    - Each website can have its own CSS, overriding values from the default
>  - Templates
>    - Can be overridden, so again, a master template can exist (think: fpo)
>    - Probably another one or two, depending on our needs (eg. full-width etc).
>    - Each website can define a master one overriding stuff from the default; eg.
>      custom menu in sidebar -- see translate.fpo and above screenshot).
>    - Every page of a website can, in turn, override the above.
> CSS's are easy to import. For templates, Toshio suggested to create a package
> that will contain all the templates, so that a TG app can use them, and we can
> update the package if we need to change, for example, the footer of all our TG apps.

I like this plan :-).  The only thing I'd add about templating is that
we should keep an eye out for making our templates portable to genshi as
genshi is a better kid and will be replacing it as the TurboGears
default in the future.  Mainly, this means that kid templates should
include and override each other based on match rules rather than


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