Author: glezos Update of /cvs/fedora/web/wiki/common/js In directory Added Files: common.js countdown.js infobox.js Log Message: Adding wiki directory, holding kindofblue (moved from /cvs/fedora/web) and common dir of moin --- NEW FILE common.js --- // // MoinMoin commonly used JavaScript functions // // use this instead of assigning to window.onload directly: function addLoadEvent(func) { // alert("addLoadEvent " + func) var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { oldonload(); func(); } } } function can_use_gui_editor() { var sAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (sAgent.indexOf("msie") != -1 && sAgent.indexOf("mac") == -1 && sAgent.indexOf("opera") == -1 ) { // Internet Explorer var sBrowserVersion = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (.\..)/)[1]; return ( sBrowserVersion >= 5.5 ); } else if (navigator.product == "Gecko" && navigator.productSub >= 20030210) { // Gecko return true; } // else if (sAgent.indexOf("safari") != -1 ) { // // Safari - build must be at least 312 (1.3) // return (sAgent.match( /safari\/(\d+)/ )[1] >= 312 ); // } else { // Unknown browser, assume gui editor is not compatible return false; } } function update_edit_links() { // Update editlink according if if the browser is compatible if (can_use_gui_editor() == false){ //alert("update_edit_links: can't use gui editor"); return; } var editlinks = document.getElementsByName("editlink"); for (i = 0; i < editlinks.length; i++) { var link = editlinks[i]; href = link.href.replace('editor=textonly','editor=guipossible'); link.href = href; //alert("update_edit_links: modified to guipossible"); } } function add_gui_editor_links() { // Add gui editor link after the text editor link // If the variable is not set or browser is not compatible, exit try {gui_editor_link_href} catch (e) { //alert("add_gui_editor_links: gui_editor_link_href not here"); return } if (can_use_gui_editor() == false){ //alert("add_gui_editor_links: can't use gui_editor"); return; } var all = document.getElementsByName('texteditlink'); for (i = 0; i < all.length; i++) { var textEditorLink = all[i]; // Create a list item with a link var guiEditorLink = document.createElement('a'); guiEditorLink.href = gui_editor_link_href; var text = document.createTextNode(gui_editor_link_text); guiEditorLink.appendChild(text); var listItem = document.createElement('li') listItem.appendChild(guiEditorLink); // Insert in the editbar var editbar = textEditorLink.parentNode.parentNode var nextListItem = textEditorLink.parentNode.nextSibling; editbar.insertBefore(listItem, nextListItem); //alert("add_gui_editor_links: added gui editor link"); } } function show_switch2gui() { // Show switch to gui editor link if the browser is compatible if (can_use_gui_editor() == false) return; var switch2gui = document.getElementById('switch2gui') if (switch2gui) { = 'inline'; } } function load() { // Do not name this "onload", it does not work with IE :-) // TODO: create separate onload for each type of view and set the // correct function name in the html. // e.g <body onlod='editor_onload()'> // Page view stuff update_edit_links(); add_gui_editor_links(); // Editor stuff show_switch2gui(); } function before_unload(evt) { // TODO: Better to set this in the editor html, as it does not make // sense elsehwere. // confirmleaving is available when editing try {return confirmleaving();} catch (e) {} } // Initialize after loading the page addLoadEvent(load) // Catch before unloading the page window.onbeforeunload = before_unload --- NEW FILE countdown.js --- var state = 0; // 0: start; 1: long count; 2: short count; 3: timeout; 4/5: blink var counter = 0, step = 1, delay = 1; function countdown() { // change state if counter is down if (counter <= 1) { state += 1 if (state == 1) { counter = countdown_timeout_min step = 1 delay = 60000 } if (state == 2) { counter = 60 step = 5 delay = step * 1000 } if (state == 3 || state == 5) { window.status = countdown_lock_expire state = 3 counter = 1 step = 1 delay = 500 } if (state == 4) { // blink the above text window.status = " " counter = 1 delay = 250 } } // display changes if (state < 3) { var msg if (state == 1) msg = countdown_lock_mins if (state == 2) msg = countdown_lock_secs window.status = msg.replace(/#/, counter) } counter -= step // Set timer for next update setTimeout("countdown()", delay); } --- NEW FILE infobox.js --- // // Bubblehelp infoboxes, (C) 2002 Klaus Knopper <infobox@xxxxxxxxxxx> // You can copy/modify and distribute this code under the conditions // of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2. // var IWIDTH=350 // Tip box width var ie4 // Are we using Internet Explorer Version 4? var ie5 // Are we using Internet Explorer Version 5 and up? var kon // Are we using KDE Konqueror? var x,y,winW,winH // Current help position and main window size var idiv=null // Pointer to infodiv container function nsfix(){setTimeout("window.onresize = rebrowse", 2000);} function rebrowse(){window.location.reload();} function hascss(){ return gettip('infodiv')?true:false } function infoinit(){ ie4=(document.all)?true:false; ie5=((ie4)&&((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 5')>0)||(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 6')>0)))?true:false; kon=(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('konqueror')>0)?true:false; x=0;y=0;winW=800;winH=600; idiv=null; document.onmousemove = mousemove; // Workaround for just another netscape bug: Fix browser confusion on resize // obviously conqueror has a similar problem :-( if(kon){ nsfix() } } function untip(){ if(idiv) idiv.visibility="hidden"; idiv=null; } function gettip(name){return (document.layers&&document.layers[name])?document.layers[name]:(document.all&&document.all[name]&&document.all[name].style)?document.all[name].style:document[name]?document[name]:(document.getElementById(name)?document.getElementById(name).style:0);} // Prepare tip boxes, but don't show them yet function maketip(name,title,text){ if(hascss()) document.write('<div id="'+name+'" name="'+name+'" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:20; top:-999em; left:0px;"><table width='+IWIDTH+' class="tip"><tr><th class="tip">'+title+'</th></tr><tr><td class="tip">'+text+'</td></tr></table></div>\n'); } function tip(name){ if(hascss()){ if(idiv) untip(); idiv=gettip(name); if(idiv){ winW=(window.innerWidth)? window.innerWidth+window.pageXOffset-16:document.body.offsetWidth-20; winH=(window.innerHeight)?window.innerHeight+window.pageYOffset :document.body.offsetHeight; if(x<=0||y<=0){ // konqueror can't get mouse position x=(winW-IWIDTH)/2+(window.pageXOffset?window.pageXOffset:0); y=(winH-50)/2+(window.pageYOffset?window.pageYOffset:0); // middle of window } showtip(); } } } function showtip(){ idiv.left=(((x+IWIDTH+10)<winW)?x+12:x-IWIDTH-5)+"px";<winH)?y+12:y-90)+"px"; idiv.visibility="visible"; // window.status="idiv="+idiv+"X:"+(idiv.left?idiv.left:"NAN")+", Y:"+("NAN")+", x:"+x+", y:"+y; } function mousemove(e){ if(e) {x=e.pageX?e.pageX:e.clientX?e.clientX:0; y=e.pageY?e.pageY:e.clientY?e.clientY:0;} else if(event) {x=event.clientX; y=event.clientY;} else {x=0; y=0;} if((ie4||ie5) && document.documentElement) // Workaround for scroll offset of IE { x+=document.documentElement.scrollLeft; y+=document.documentElement.scrollTop; } if(idiv) showtip(); } // Initialize after loading the page addLoadEvent(infoinit) // EOF infobox.js