Mike McGrath wrote:
If possible I'd like the download page to also be a static (plone)
page. Mostly because I'd bet thats the page thats going to get linked
on /. and digg.
Actually from
"The introduction of a simple, clean front page to the massive (and
inevitably intimidating) resource which is the Fedora wiki can only be a
good thing: whether it’s making it easier for people to find out exactly
what Fedora is, or if it’s making it easier for people find
documentation, or if it’s making it easier for people to get involved
with the project, can only be a good thing!"
So with that in mind maybe here is a stab at a list of the static pages
we'll need:
1) front page - what is fedora? links to other pages, download most
2) download page - mirror and bittorrent links, with some installation
info from the Distribution page on the wiki, potentially links to
Free/Sponsored Media programs and Online/Local Vendors for media
3) join page - static plone version of the Fedora wiki Join page?
4) upsell page - simple tour with some (very optimized & small)
screenshots upselling Fedora to newbies, explaining what it can do, etc,
kind of a marketing-y page?