On 2/28/06, Patrick Barnes <nman64@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Understandable, but wouldn't the sub domain redirects be useful as a starting point towards a possible merger?
On Tuesday 28 February 2006 03:07, Bela Pesics wrote:
> Hi,
> I have already mentioned it but before filing a bug let's talk about it ;-P
> What about doing sg like this to tidy up a bit:
> news.fedoraproject.org or fedoraproject.org/news -> fedoranews.org
> forum.fedoraproject.org or fedoraproject.org/forum -> fedoraforum.org
> kbase.fedora.org or fedoraproject.org/kbase -> fedorasolved.org
> Having multiple websites with many different looks and domain names
> conveys a not too reliable image for me. I suggest setting up these
> redirects and unifying the header at least.
> This is not intended to criticize anyones work but what is desirable in
> future?
> Cheers,
> Bela
Part of the reason there are so many different sites is that most of them are
community sites, not maintained by the Fedora Project. At the moment, the
two official sites are fedoraproject.org and fedora.redhat.com.
Understandable, but wouldn't the sub domain redirects be useful as a starting point towards a possible merger?
Patrick "The N-Man" Barnes
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