Little by little, I'm translating the Wiki content to my language
(pt_BR) and now I began to wonder about the translation method, as
described in http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Languages (quaid said to me
about this page).
When translating a Wiki Topic, the translator should create a topic with
another name (translated to another language), and then include this
topic->translation to the "LanguageDict" page (for example, FrenchDict).
But since I began to translate, I had to begin changing Wiki links
within the pages a lot, and as the translations grow, this becomes very
difficult to mantain without errors.
What is the utility of the "LanguageDict" page right now? I thought that
wiki could translate the links automactically, but I don't know how.
What's the solution for this? Using the "GetVal" command (as in the
FedoraMain page), changing all the links within the wiki translated
pages, or using the english name? (or something else?)
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