Re: dnf downgrade dependencies

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On 3/13/25 10:20 PM, Dave Close wrote:
I've decided I'm unhappy with one of the changes made by the most
recent version of LibreOffice, 24.8, and I want to try going back to
the previous version, 24.2, which is part of the FC40 repository.
But I'm astounded by the result of the command below. (Without
allowerasing the command won't do anything.)

   dnf downgrade --allowerasing --enable-repo=fedora40,updates40 \
   Transaction Summary:
    Installing:        21 packages
    Upgrading:          8 packages
    Replacing:       1169 packages
    Removing:          13 packages
    Downgrading:     1161 packages

This is effectively returning to FC40, not just downgrading a single
package. Of course, I didn't follow through.

But somehow DNF thinks the following packages are dependent on
LibreOffice: mplayer, opencv, python3-crypt-r, tesseract-libs, x264,
among others! And it thinks the removal of these packages requires
downgrading others, including mod-perl!

libreoffice has many dependencies and if you downgrade those to what that version needs, then you have to also downgrade all the packages that depend on those dependencies.

I suppose I can simply download the older LibreOffice packages and then
use rpm to replace them. But there could be some authentic library
dependencies. Is there a better solution?

You don't need to setup your own repo files for this.

dnf --releasever=40 install --allowerasing libreoffice-

But that won't help you any. You can't do this. Here's a big clue when run without the --allowerasing: Problem: package libreoffice-pyuno-1: from fedora requires python(abi) = 3.12, but none of the providers can be installed - package libreoffice-base-1: from fedora requires libreoffice-pyuno(x86-64) = 1:, but none of the providers can be installed - cannot install both python3-3.12.2-2.fc40.x86_64 from fedora and python3-3.13.2-1.fc41.x86_64 from @System - cannot install both python3-3.12.9-1.fc40.x86_64 from updates and python3-3.13.2-1.fc41.x86_64 from @System - package libreoffice-1: from fedora requires libreoffice-base(x86-64) = 1:, but none of the providers can be installed - installed package python3-google-re2-1:20240702-19.fc41.x86_64 requires python(abi) = 3.13, but none of the providers can be installed
  - conflicting requests
  - problem with installed package

The first problem is that it requires Python 3.12.

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