Hay all of You,
Thanks for help and answering. The problem is simple . The fresh install
of Fedora 41 no problem. The menu of the booatloader is the problem and
I do understand this is kwown. (See mail Camina Shell)
After the succesfull fresh install I get the bootmenu : First Kernel
install version , so no second Kernel update,rescue mode and Windows
choice possibility. So far so good.
When rebooting the system no bootmenu : Just Fedora is booted no choice
menu ; That is all. See below the BIOS settings on this machine.
Boot mode is set to : UEFI with Legacy OPROM ; Secure boot : OFF
Legacy Boot :
Hard drive
UEFI Boot :
Windows Boot Manager (CT1000BX500SSDI)
Fedora Boot (CT1000BX500SSDI)
You can understand the user can open the BIOS and made the choise
Windows Boot or Fedora Boot but this a dangerous procedure and not very
So the final question is : Where is GRUB ?
And now , how farther ?
Ger van Dijck.
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