Re: getting core dump with grub2-mkconfig on systems with windows7 partitions?? (No windows menu entry?)

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On 9/3/25 10:21, Camina Shell via users wrote:
Great findings! I may give it a go... I'm deciding whether or not to just purge the W11 volume as I don't use it anyway.
That said, I've been hunting down what changes, and been looking at the commits to the grub area.
Only found some nice security updates but nothing so far as to shine light on this issue.

I especially like this one. Even after decrypting disk (TPM or manual), you'd now need to enter pass to edit kernel params etc.

Anyway, here's hoping they find this issue and patch it.

I've done a bit more investigation on this issue that I am getting as well.
Unlike Michael's situation I am getting the Windows entry in the grub menus after running grub2-mkconfig as well as the Fedora and Ubuntu entries. The reason the segmentation-fault is specified as being line 186 is I believe because the grub2-mount statement on line 177 which is part of the if statement/if block starting at line 175 and ending at line 186. The grub2-probe statement on line 179 also segmentation faults if it is executed. That if block is trying to determine the partition type for all unmounted partitions that can be seen on the pc (I have 5 ntfs partitions on my machine and if I mount the 3 partitions I want to be able to access the segmentation fault only occurs twice, if those 3 partitions are not mounted then I get 5 segmentation faults). If I mount the 3 windows partitions I want mounted, as specified in /etc/fstab where I am specifying the ntfs-3g driver, and I look at those mount points in /proc/self/mountinfo, they are mounted using driver fuseblk, which seems to indicate the statement at line 184 has been executed, but I don't know where the output of the debug statements are written to so that I can check. If the statements within that if block starting at line 175 and ending at line 186 are being executed that to me highlights a Fedora or in my case a KDE defect as with grub2-mount segmentation faulting the true condition for the if should not have been triggered. The mount info specifying that the 3 ntfs partitions I have mounted are using the fuseblk driver doesn't impact those partitions being able to be read from or written to. I am getting the Windows entry written to the grub menus because I am using UEFI and the windows entry is being resolved from the UEFI partition which is not ntfs. Grub seems to have lost its ability to understand ntfs partitions but I don't know exactly where or why. Also for a long time I have not been convinced that os-prober has been working properly. The boot entry for Ubuntu seems to be being resolved from the partition that Ubuntu has been installed to, which in my case is /dev/sde1, and not from the UEFI Ubuntu folder in the efi partition as windows is being resolved from, but Ubuntu boots fine. Also if I boot from the grub menus created in Ubuntu and try to boot to Fedora I get a shim error.


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