Re: what kind of raid is this?

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On 2025-03-06 9:29 p.m., Tim via users wrote:
On Thu, 2025-03-06 at 14:08 +0000, Barry wrote:
Whst is fake raid? I had assume that term just means software raid in
the bios.
RAID done by the motherboard, either completely on its own, or
requiring specialist drivers.  And is depending heavily on the
motherboard for its existence, and quite likely to use the drives in a
manner incompatible with anything else (such as having to replace the
motherboard, or having to pull out a drive to read it on something

The same can probably be said for drives plugged into a daughterboard
into the motherboard.  And I dare say for external boxes full of hard
drives that appear like mass storage to the computer.

I'd say the most foolproof scheme is a bunch of drives plugged into
multiple drive ports on the motherboard, and having the OS create a
RAID out of them.

While some will argue about the potential speed differences between the
various schemes, and others will argue it's not really that
significant, the original poster's purpose for the system would suggest
reliability is the main criteria.  They're not doing high-speed data
processing (such as rendering 3-D raytracing or high def video

Hardware RAID cards are expensive, have ludicrously expensive batteries, and have no concept of empty sectors or filesystems and so have to methodically replicate every sector blindly.  This is a problem, especially when doing a recovery.  Software RAID using JBOD and a journaling filesystem that can do RAID (ZFS, BTRFS, a couple of others) is usually somewhat faster in read and normally hundreds of times faster than hardware RAID in recovery.  The only edge case where hardware RAID might even compete is when the array is near or at 100% full and there are no sectors where a software RAID can do something more intelligent.

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