Re: raid issues with gigabyte mobo

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Samuel Sieb writes:

If the OS can see all 4 drives, then the "RAID" isn't hardware RAID and isn't really doing anything. Is there a reason you don't want to use the Linux software RAID? It's generally a better option.

Here's one data point on why Linux mdraid is better. Many years ago Grub's required reserved space requirement at the beginning of the disk was increased. It was not possible to upgrade to the next release of Fedora unless the first partition started at a later offset.

You were pretty much boned unless you used mdraid to RAID-1 two hard drives. No problem.

1. IIRC there was no Live image back then, the install CD gave you a rescue shell as an option, so you boot that.
2. Unmount the first md-raid partition.
3. Use resize2fs to shrink the logical partition by a generous amount.
4. Use mdadm to shrink the raid-1 volume by a slightly less generous amount, so its size matches the size of the new partition that will start at a higher offset.
5. Use mdadm to take one of the hard drives out of the raid volume.
6. Use fdisk/parted to drop the partition and recreate it, with a higher starting offset 7. Use mdadm to add the partition back to the raid volume, and wait for it to resync.
8. Now repeat the same process with the other hard drive.
9. Use resize2fs to grow the relocated partition to its full size.
10. Upgrade to a new release of Fedora and grub.

Try doing that with your hardware raid.

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