Re: Fora vs. mailing lists

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On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 11:40:05AM -0500, Thomas Cameron wrote:
> <Insert obligatory "old man shouting at cloud" meme here>
> Quick definition: fora is the plural of forum, as in a web based forum to
> discuss a topic or technology, like
> Having said that...
> I love mailing lists. I have filters set up they silently go to the correct
> mail folder, I can read through them at my leisure, and I only have to deal
> with one client - my mail client. My mail client defaults to sane viewing
> rules, threaded, in the order I prefer. It's the same experience across
> every mailing list I'm a member of. I love that. It's very
> accessibility-friendly.

Yep. Same here. 

However, realize that you spend a long time setting all that up.
The subscriptions, filtering, how things look in your email client, etc. 
For someone new or just wanting to ask a question or two, lists are

> I hate using fora. I generally have to open a separate tab for each forum
> I'm on, and I'm on a LOT. And I have to go out of my way to even remember
> all the fora I am a member of. For those of us who are members of a bunch,
> it's kind of a beating - especially if you're an ADHD person, like me. I get
> that I can (sometimes) set up email notifications when there are responses
> to my posts or comments, but... if we're already emailing forum members, why
> the heck don't we just use email lists?

Because it's not great for new people/casual questions, it lacks ability
to do things like merge threads that are about the same thing, etc.
It's easy to spam lists, harder to do so on a fora. 
email is becoming more and more difficult due to the giant walled
gardens of gmail/microsoft and I could go on...

> I also love that I see interesting problems on mailing lists that I'd never
> thought of or dealt with, and it's right there, in the list's mail folder. I
> learn a LOT perusing those messages. It's there, I can easily read through
> the threads when I get a minute. And I don't have to remember to fire up a
> new browser tab to parse them.
> The whole "fora are an archive" argument is kinda nonsensical, since mailing
> lists are generally archived on the web, as well. In my experience, mailing
> list archives are easier to search than a forum.
> I get the sense that moving from email lists to fora was a move to force
> folks to go to a web site to drive advertising. I kinda hate that. When Red
> Hat moved from email lists to fora (log in required), I got the sense that
> it was really to gather information about who was interacting with their web
> site. Ditto pretty much every other vendor who moved from email lists to web
> based fora - this isn't a Red Hat or Fedora specific thing.

That might be a general trend (I don't know), but has nothing to do with
Fedora's discourse instance. There's no ads or extra monitoring that I
can think of.

> Am I the only one who feels this way? Has the day finally come where I'm
> just old and set in my ways? Are there others who prefer mailing lists to
> fora?
> To be clear, I am not bashing fora, per se - I'm just saying that for me,
> they're not NEARLY as easy to deal with as email lists. If you like fora,
> that's awesome. I'm not attacking you. Let's nip that in the bud. I'm not
> looking for a flame war, just trying to see if other feel the same way.
> Let's keep it civil.

So, I agree with you about the push vs pull factor, so I interact with via email. :)

You can decide what tags you want to 'subscribe' to, it sends emails
with list-id headers, you can filter them, reply to them, etc. 
There are some drawbacks: If you want to start a thread you have to do
that with the web interface (so you can specify the tags), etc.

Of course that won't work for many, but for people who have a large
email infrastructure setup it might be a better way to interact with it.


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