I used plain pip, no sudo stuff.
Time to hunt the . directories.
On Mon, Sep 4, 2023 at 11:08 AM Jonathan Billings <billings@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Sep 4, 2023, at 11:35, Javier Perez <pepebuho@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I installed Pycharm to learn python, installed some libraries using pip, totally sure I must have screwed up something although I have not felt the effect yet.
> My question is, how can I go back to default without reinstalling my whole linux setup from scratch? This is also my personal computer and I am sure there are customizations even I forgot I set up in general. It would be kind of a pain.
> I know I cannot delete totally Python because linux uses it heavily nowadays.
> My goal is to delete whatever was installed through pip and stick to packages from the repositories and reinstall a programming environment in a reasoned, less haphazzard/ad hoc way.
Did you use ‘sudo pip install …’ or just pip as your regular user? Because if you just used your regular user, it’s most likely sitting in a directory in ~/.local/lib/python3.* and you can just delete everything in there and not affect the OS packages.
If you used sudo, most likely it’s all in /usr/local/lib/python3.* and /usr/local/share/python3.* but it might be worth running ‘rpm -Va python*’ and reinstall any packages that fail checksum verification.
If you want to play with pip I really suggest leaning to love Python virtual environments (the venv module) since they are really good for containing everything in a directory. If you must use sudo pip, check out podman container toolbox to keep it from breaking your OS. Container toolboxes might not work with your IDE though, I tend to use emacs so I’ve never had a problem.
Jonathan Billings
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|O O| pepebuho@xxxxxxxxx
~~~~ Javier Perez
~~~~ While the night runs
~~~~ toward the day...
m m Pepebuho watches
from his high perch.
|O O| pepebuho@xxxxxxxxx
~~~~ Javier Perez
~~~~ While the night runs
~~~~ toward the day...
m m Pepebuho watches
from his high perch.
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