Re: Messages held for moderation.

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Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> On Mon, May 08, 2023 at 08:28:30PM -0400, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> ...snip...
>> That could save some time in moderation and make things
>> clearer for list members.
> Yeah, I agree... I don't have time to work on this right now, but can
> add it to my list. Or if you want to submit a PR:
> There are some lists where we do pass large emails through sometimes.
> For example the devel list when there's a very large rawhide compose
> report or the like. But I'm fine changing this template to avoid
> confusion. ;) 

We can do change the template for this list only rather than
changing the site list.  That's what I was thinking.

Let me see about putting that into unified diff format for
the Fedora ansible repo and we can discuss it there and get
thoughts from any of the other folks who are more active in
the Mailman maintenance.

>> I hesitate to suggest increasing the maximum size as all
>> that does is ensure we'll have this same conversation when
>> folks wonder why they can't send messages larger than 100k
>> (or whatever size) to the list).  But if 60k really is too
>> small, it is an option.
> Yeah. Perhaps 100k would be better?
> I think that would pass more of these and 100k isn't nearly as bad as it
> used to be.

Combined with an updated template for the held messages, I
can see that being useful.  I still think 100k is not useful
or necessary, but it's not a lot of bandwidth so I don't
care too much about it.

I do expect we'll see close to the same amount of messages
held as we do now (which is only a few per month, for anyone

>> I do think we should adjust the list guidelines to not
>> recommend the use of fpaste. Since it migrated to
>> and has a maximum 24 hour paste life, I
>> don't think it's remotely useful or helpful for mailing
>> list usage.
> yep. Absolutely.

I'll try to come up with something there.  If I forget,
anyone feel free to beat me to it or suggest some changes as
a reminder.  There's two place which need adjusting, I
believe: Keep it Short and No Attachment (which should have
", Please" I think).

My current (rough) thoughts...

In Keep it Short:

    * Remove the "or in a pastebin" text.

    * Encourage keeping the content in the message rather
      than posting it externally to avoid the list archives
      becoming less useful when those external links
      inevitably change.

In No Attachments:

    * Replace "Don't use attachments" with something like
      "If you must include an attachment, please keep it
      minimal (refer to "Keep it Short")."

    * Add ", Please" to the title. :)
      I know, many of the items could also include this.
      For these "No ..." or "Don't ..." it may help ever so
      slightly to make it less like an edict and more like a
      friendly request -- these are guidelines, after all.


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