Re: Qemu-kvm and Windows-11 22H2 upgrade problems

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On 10/6/22 04:45, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
Hi All,

Fedora 36
Windows 11 Pro

Any of you guys having troubles upgrading Windows-11
build 21H2 to 22H2 on qemu-kvm?

I am upgrading from the ISO:

using the US English version:

The install goes all the way through the process and
when It does its final reboot, it throws the "Installation
failed in SAFE_OS phase with an error during BOOT
operation 0xC1900101 0x20017".

According to

the log file for SafeOS errors is:

           C:\$Windows.~BT\Sources\Panther: File named
           Setupact.log records actions in the downlevel
           and SafeOS phase. As the log can be very
           large, setup also creates a file named
           “Setuperr.log” that only has information
           about the errors encountered by the Setup
           to narrow the source of the problem.

And from the same reference:

       Error Code Troubleshooting

       C1900101-20017 A driver has caused an illegal
       operation. Make sure all unnecessary devices
       are disconnected except the keyboard and mouse.
       Remove any 3rd party anti-virus.Make sure BIOS
       firmware is updated on the motherboard.

which means there is a problem with a driver. I removed everything except the keyboard and mouse. No joy.

And I can't find anything in the logs either.

It also begs the issue of why 21H2 is "safe" and 22H2
is not.

Any of you experiencing this?  If so, how did you
work around it?

Many thanks,

p.s.  Ya, I know 'Windows is like that".  Wish
I did not have to use it but 98% of my customers
have it and I can't find an any Linux customers
that are not of my own making.  And I have to
feed my family.

Well, it about killed me, but I figured it out.

For starters, my qemu-kvm virtual machine would
not run 22H2, but I finally manually configured
it and solved the issue.  The symptom was that
the VM could not boot off the 22H1 ISO and
solving that solved the new 22H2 boot method
and the SAFE_OS error.

Just an aside.  If found that both the 212V1
and 22H2 ISO would do a bare install without
bitching about the hardware requirements.
But not 22h2's upgrade.

And I found that appraiserres.dll had to be
replaced with a modified version, not just
replaced with a zero length file.

Here are my notes.

Thank you all for the help and moral support.


***** How To run Windows 11 22H2 upgrade on a qemu-kvm virtual machine *****

*** qemu-kvm setup for Windows 11 22H2 ***

1)  mount the ISO as a CD-ROM drive.  Instructions follow as to where to
download the ISO in the Windows 11 section below.

2) verify that yo can actually boot off the 22H2 ISO. (Do not do the upgrade from the booted ISO.) This is verify that your VM will be able to handle 22H2’s new
boot method.  Otherwise the upgrade will fail.

Sample XML file for the virtual machine that wil boot properly:


*** Windows 11 ***

1) copy `W11.Recycle.Add.To.Windows.Explorer.reg` to your local hard drive
and merge it into your registry:


; Regestry hacks to allow Windows 11 to be installed on
; unsupported hardware



2) download, unzip, verify with the modified `appraiserres.dll`
file from

to your local hard drive

3) download the appropriate ISO from from Microsoft’s official website:

Mine is `Win11_22H2_English_x64.iso`

4) copy the contents of the ISO to a directory on your local hard drive

5) in the directly, find `sources\appraiserres.dll` and delete it. If you don’t
delete it, yo will wind up with two files of the same name and the installer
will read the original.

6) copy the modified ` appraiserres.dll` file into the the `sources` where
you deleted the original

7) run `setup.exe` from the directory.

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