Re: partially invisible back-up DVD.

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On 10/26/21 10:08 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 26/10/2021 22:44, home user wrote:
(fedora-34; gnome)

The evening before doing a Fedora upgrade, I do a user data back-up. I do it as a data project in K3b to burn a DVD/Blu-ray (BD-R).  I always "test" the back-up immediately after it's done.

On April 07, 2021, I did such a back-up.  I upgraded from f-32 to f-33 the next day.  Today, when I put the disc into the drive, it automatically mounts and asks if I wish to view contents in Caja. In Caja, I successfully viewed an image stored on the disc, launched in Firefox an html file stored on the disc, and opened in LibreOffice a LibreOffice file stored on the disc.  The disc was successfully unmounted and ejected when I asked Caja to do so. Also today, if I launch Files and then put the disc into the drive, it automatically mounts the disc. In Files, I successfully viewed an image stored on the disc, launched in Firefox an html file stored on the disc, and opened in LibreOffice a LibreOffice file stored on the disc.  The disc was successfully unmounted and ejected when I asked Files to do so.

On October 13, I did a user data back-up.  Immediately after, I "tested" the back-up.  1. When I put the disc into the drive, nothing showed up on the screen.  But I then launched Disks, the disc was there and mounted; it unmounted and ejected the disc when I told it to.  2. When I launched Files and then put the disc into the drive, the "+ Other Locations" flickered once, and that's all.  But when I then launched Disks, the disc was there and mounted; it unmounted and ejected the disc when I told it to.  3. When I launched Caja and then put the disc into the drive, a message popped up
"Unable to mount .F33_20211013
An operation is already pending".
But when I then launched Disks, the disc was there and mounted; it unmounted and ejected the disc when I told it to.  4. When I launched Disks and then put the disc into the drive, the icon for the drive showed a disc.  When I clicked that disc icon, it showed it mounted.  When I clicked the mount path that showed below the graphic part of Disks, it launched Caja.  I then successfully completed the "test" just as I did with the April 07 back-up disc, except that I had to use Disks to unmount and eject the disk.  Also, I was able to restore a files from the back-up disc when using the Caja instance launched by Disks.
I went ahead and upgraded from f-33 to f-34 the next day.

Today, when I repeat steps 1-4 above using the October 13 back-up, I get the same results.

Both back-up discs are Verbatum MDISC BD-R Blu-ray Disc, 25GB, 4x speed.  Both were written with the same drive.

What went wrong, and how do I fix it?

Sounds like you have an "intermittent" issue with your DVD drive. Dust? How old is the drive?  I've had drives just
slowly die and other just dead after not being used for some time.

If the problem were the drive (or dust), then wouldn't the April disc have the same problems, and wouldn't the October disc not work in Disks?

The drive is 8 years old. It's not heavily used; maybe 3 or 4 times per year in the past 6+ years.

I stopped using DVD's and CD's a long time ago.  I only use it if I have to boot a live DVD since my motherboard doesn't support booting from USB.  USB drives are quite inexpensive and more reliable than discs with the added advantage of
having higher capacity.  Why not switch?

Someday, but not yet.

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