Re: Remote Desktop Viewer exit full screen

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On 7/15/21 7:40 AM, Alex wrote:
The problem is that when I hold down the ALT key, it is being
intercepted by Cinnamon or wayland or whatever, and not being sent
through to photoshop in my Windows virtual machine.

If I hold down the ALT key and click, I can drag the whole "remote
desktop viewer" window, and not photoshop.

How can I tell my desktop that ALT-click should be passed through to
the virtual machine itself?

In the previous message you left out the part about it being a virtual
machine.  How are you running the VM?  From the link you included, I'm
guessing that the "remote desktop viewer" you're using is vinagre.  How
did you choose that one?  I recommend using "remmina" in general, but if
you're running a qemu VM, then either the virt-manager launcher or
virt-viewer are good and can capture all keys.  The spice connection is
much better than the vnc one anyway.

Yes, it appears to be Vinagre 3.22.0. This appears to be what's
included with fedora34.

The virtual machine is a kvm/qemu instance of Windows 10.

I'm not sure I completely understand - I don't want to capture the
ALT-click, but pass it through to the VM.

That's what "capture" means. The viewer captures the key events and passes them on to the viewed system.

The problem also happens in virt-manager. I also just tried it in
remmina for the first time, and it occurs there too.

The virt-manager viewer definitely captures the ALT.

Perhaps I'm not fully explaining the problem I'm having? I need to be
able to have an ALT-click pass through to the VM instead of operating
at the viewer level in order to define a photoshop clone stamp source

I know what you're trying to do and it works for me. If you're using remmina, make sure you have the "grab all keyboard events" option selected.

It also looks like I'm already using the spice connector?
"-spice port=5900"

Ok, that's possible.  What connection string do you use?

I tested out the "Remote Desktop Viewer" (vinagre). It does pass the ALT key through. There is a bug with the full-screen menu. It's invisible. If you move the mouse up the the top-center of the screen, you activate the menu, but can't see it. If you move the mouse down slightly and a bit left and right, you will get tooltips for the menu items you're hovering over. ALT-ESC also got me out of it.

The most likely cause of your problem is that it's the window manager that's not letting the viewer do the capture. What are you using? Gnome doesn't use ALT-mouse to move windows, so it can't be that.
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