Re: Xorg Scaling Issues (Solved)

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On 11/6/21 15:04, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 11/06/2021 12:46, Tim via users wrote:
On Fri, 2021-06-11 at 09:35 +1000, Stephen Morris wrote:
I am using a 4K monitor that has HDR capabilities which, like
windows, I won't get that functionality in linux without a monitor
specific driver, which doesn't exist for linux.
Is it really a case of needing a "driver," or is it just that we need a
way to supply new EDID info to the system?  There are EDID editors.

In most cases, you just need to set information like pixel dimensions,
screen dimensions, and clock rate, to get the graphics chipset to
output the right things.  It's not like you're also remote controlling
the buttons that a monitor might have (well, not usually).
I don't know whether its a design of the monitor, but under windows, windows does not provide HDR capability natively, I have to install a monitor specific driver supplied by the vendor, which unfortunately they don't supply for linux.

Or, since he is using a VM, could it be the same behavior I see in my qemu VM's?

If I run a KDE or GNOME desktop with gdm as my display manager the display will resize to whatever
the VM's window size is.
I'm using gdm and with Gnome under xorg the display scales when I expand the vm window dimensions, but if I start the vm with the window maximised the display does not scale. I have to unmaximize the window and then remaximize it for the display to scale. With kde it doesn't scale at all unless I put modelines in.

If I use sddm, then it doesn't.  And I have to pick the resolution from what the system-settings has determined to be available.  I've not gone so far as to try adding modlines since for what I'm doing
with my VMs the available resolutons are just fine.
My issue with the system settings under both gnome and kde, is I am using a 4K monitor and the system settings don't offer a 4K resolution, even if the vm is running fullscreen, and also neither does xrandr specify that a 4K resolution is available. The system settings only show that a 4K resolution is accessible when I put in the relevant modeline. The system settings also only show a resolution of 3840x2075 which is the maximum resolution under gnome if I run the vm windowed, or 3840x2069 which is the same maximum resolution under KDE (I'm not sure yet why there is this difference), if I put in modelines.


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