Re: on to letsencrypt

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On 4/30/21 9:31 PM, Jack Craig wrote:
On Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 9:05 PM Ed Greshko <ed.greshko@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 01/05/2021 11:46, Jack Craig wrote:
adding to /etc/resolv.conf  also doesnt seem to help...

That file has nothing to do with the DNS server.

I thought that list of NSs was the NS list used to resolve any lookup, yet
another misconception on my part...

as allow-query { any; };

alone does not clear up the dns lookup failure, i had an earlier zone file
that spelled out my noton of domain lookup,
what is the lookup process laid out?

*REFUSED unexpected RCODE resolving '
what is more i find the below error in the named-run log, how do i drill
down to find this ns3.attdns
lookup failure?? does publish an SOA record for 21599 IN SOA

It states that is the primary nameserver for the zone (and also the source for zone transfers) whose contact address is root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. attdns is secondary and gets its data from ws. Until ws publishes valid zone data lookups at attdns will be refused (no data available). To make that data available you will have to allow zone transfers TO

I created a zone file generator that produces the basics in either tinydns or bind format. Here's what it produced with your information:

$TTL 3D    ; default ttl for records without a specified lifetime
@   IN	SOA (
                      1619886507   ;  serial number
                      16384        ;  ns refresh
                      2048         ;  ns retry
                      1048576      ;  authority expiry
                      2560        );  min (RFC2308 §4)
    IN	NS
    IN	NS

$TTL 3D    ; default ttl for records without a specified lifetime
@   IN	SOA (
                      1619886507   ;  serial number
                      16384        ;  ns refresh
                      2048         ;  ns retry
                      1048576      ;  authority expiry
                      2560        );  min (RFC2308 §4)
    IN	NS
    IN	NS
ws  IN	A

I use knotd and know it won't accept the default times (the stuff between the parentheses) unless they are on one line. Bind, I can't say. To remove any ambiguities, and save yourself having to debug that, reformat what I provided so that your SOA is all on one line. Be sure to remove the comments before you do that. I can't help you with the bind config but you will have to provide server names, listening IPs, remote address of the secondary, probably some ACL, and a list of the zones that it will answer for.

By the way, I use this generator for my own nameservers (knotd) modified so the SOA is on one line and it works.

If by some chance you want to try knotd I also have a generator that creates the knot.conf files. If you go that route I can provide you with a knot.conf for your primary.

I've avoided bind like the plague since 4.something because I got owned. So, I upgraded to 4.9.3 and was owned within 3 seconds. Switched to tinydns which served very well for many years but has become a bit crusty. I use it internally for some stuff (VMs, etc) but it no longer serves well when working with mailservers. knot is fast and reliable and I recommend it when somebody asks. But I digress ;D
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