Re: puzzling SELinux alert.

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On 4/16/21 10:27 AM, Roger Heflin wrote:
That matches what Ed had called out that it was a GL* command.

I guess that also tells you why you did not notice the failing..

given a video file and an png file to output it fails on my system
also (and that is with selinux as permissive and as root, so it seems
to have many issues and is simply broken in most if not all use
cases), and I don't know that I have seen a video thumbnail in a while
in gthumb and similar tools.

And that tool seems to be very complicated for just creating a
thumbnail as it connects to X and pulseaudio and GLX, I am guessing
someone took a gui app and made it work to generate one.  I sure
whoever decided to use this tool only knew about the this way to
generate a thumbnail.   And the saying goes if the only tool you have
is a hammer then everything looks like a nail.

For creating a thumbnail ffmpeg and/or mplayer would seem better, but
maybe that is not default on the systems.  I might see if I can create
a script that would get used in gthumb as this tells me why I get no

What I think you're saying, and my impression even apart from your post, is that we can't realistically solve this SELinux alert problem. This problem really has had me baffled. The SELinux alerts seem to be false alarms; caja does what I want to do, and I can do those things other ways also. So I'm inclined to go with what Ed said Tuesday:
> But if you're not having any problems it would be something
> that I'd ignore.

For what it's worth:
* I saw no SELinux alerts when trying totem-video-thumbnailer in the command line. I forgot to mention this in this morning's post. * I found this morning that SELinux alerts can show up when doing file renaming after having run Files in the same login session. So Files does not stop further caja SELinux alerts.
* I patched my workstation (dnf upgrade) yesterday.

On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 10:27 AM home user <mattisonw@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 4/16/21 5:41 AM, Roger Heflin wrote:
It seems to be running /usr/bin/totem-video-thumbnailer" so would be
something attempting to create a thumbnail for the file if it is a

It has an extension of .mkv so it thinks it is a video file or is it
something else?

It is a video file.

the command was:
/usr/bin/totem-video-thumbnailer -s 128 file:///home/bill/KhongWe"...,

It truncated the filenames, but you could test run the command and see
what it does from the command line.  The first filename is the input
file, the 2nd one is the output of the thumbnail.

bash.2[~]: totem-video-thumbnailer KhongWeeHo_20160327.mkv
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for
    Major opcode of failed request:  151 (GLX)
    Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_GLXCreateContext)
    Value in failed request:  0x0
    Serial number of failed request:  63
    Current serial number in output stream:  64

I also tried an mp4 video file that I have.  Same result.
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