Re: Use iSCSI for remote /home?

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On Fri, Dec 25, 2020 at 7:45 AM Richard Shaw <hobbes1069@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> 2. A lot of the time a package is building the CPU is waiting on the SD card even though it's a class 10. I'm betting IO would be faster over my gigabit Ethernet. AND save all the writing to the SD card, extending it's life.

USB stick and SD Card flash media are simultaneously remarkably cool
technologies, very inexpensive, but also unreliable. They have
firmware on them just like any other SSD, except it's quite
unsophisticated. I've never seen either one report a read error, they
just return garbage or zeros when blocks begin to fail. And these
failures can even be transient. The write performance is pretty
horrible too. Even the ones that can do decent writes are designed for
single queue, heavy sequential writes like you'd expect from a camera.
They are horrible at random writes, or even a mix of random and

And yes they are much more write sensitive than non-removable SSD and
NVMe. They will eventually fail. So far I go through a USB stick or SD
Card used as sysroot about once every 7 months. They're that bad. HN
is full of these kinds of experiences, and the best work around is to
get so called "industrial" SD Cards specifically for the embedded use
case. There's nothing that special about them other than they're using
more expensive single layer NAND with higher wear capacity. So they
write even slower than the consumer SSDs but they last a lot longer.

My workaround is I use Btrfs with compression, and with cheap
snapshots and btrfs send/receive it's easy to keep backups. Eventually
I'll start to see Btrfs report csum errors (corrupt data) and then I
know I'm getting close to the time when the media will pancake itself.
The most typical scenario I've seen is the media goes read-only. Not
the file system, but the media itself. Write to a block, no error.
Read that block, get back old data. File systems will get deeply
confused by this eventually. But the errors they report will be
non-obvious because all it's saying is "haha wut?! that ain't right!"
over and over again. I didn't figure out the media had gone read-only
until I did my own write and read tests independent from the file

The first time it happened I even reformatted one of the partitions
with a different file system, wrote stuff, and no errors. Then
unmounted it, mounted it again, and saw it was the old file system and
old data. i.e. the media is accepting write commands without error,
basically saying "yeah I've got your data" but then failing to
actually commit it to the media. Without a single error reported. It's
really funny how bad the error reporting is for this class of media.
Plausibly I could write some important files to such a device and have
no idea at all it was not committed.

Chris Murphy
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