On 12/11/20 9:15 AM, home user wrote:
Once in a while, I want to download a video that I enjoyed watching in Firefox. I googled this. One recommended tool was the "Video DownloadHelper" add-on for Firefox. I installed it; it worked fine for one video, but not the second. Another article pointed to by google is:
Its first recommended tool is VLC. It worked on the one "Video DownloadHelper" could not handle, but the result was not the best resolution available. VLC doesn't do more than 1K resolution (according to the article). The second thing the article recommended was "4K Video Downloader". The web site for this application is here:
I downloaded the installation package from here:
Its website characterizes iwhat I downloaded as an Ubuntu 64-bit offline installer. How do I get this Ubuntu application installed and working on my Fedora-32 home workstation? I could not find any instructions for this, and the button for getting help does not work.
Under the hood ubuntu and fedora share many of the same libraries. Some
stuff lives in different places.
This is not rocket science but not exactly amateur hour either.
Since you have the .deb file (an ubuntu .rpm) you can examine its
layout. Go to your $HOME and mkdir tmp.
e.g. "dpgk-deb -R 4kvideodownloader_4.13.4-1_amd64.deb tmp". After that
cd tmp and have a look around. If you make changes and want to save
them into the .deb you'll have to create a new one:
"dpkg-deb -b tmp 4kvideodownloader_custom_4.13.4-1_amd64.deb"
Now I've never tried this but if there are .rpm's for dpkg and dpkg-deb
your might be able to install them directly onto your system (deb's and
rpm's use different databases, etc). If you're feeling really
adventurous you might even try converting the tmp/* into an rpm.
(Again, never tried that one)
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