Re: OT: Maildir vs. mh folders?

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On 17Oct2020 08:29, Ranjan Maitra <maitra@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>On Sat, 17 Oct 2020 20:23:37 +1100 Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I think I'd still be using FVWM - I had a nice setup with no window titles or
>> borders and keyboard driven layout/positioning, many desktops indexed by name
>> with supporting scripts to make new ones ("nd TASKNAME" => new desktop and
>> new menu item), etc. [...]
>Thanks, Cameron! I just checked at and it appears that fvwm is still back under active development (with a v3 apparently in the works). However, I have to say that openbox (and even pekwm) have been pretty good to me.

I'll try to keep them in mind for when I next use an X11 desktop.

>Btw, can I get your filer? It turns out that procmail does not allow the format of a Maildir file to be changed. One option is to figure out setting the hostname env for procmailrc (and mutt) to say localhost.localdomain (that name would be generic enough to be common across machines) or give up and continue with the MH format (though in that case, I need to figure out what is in a .mh_sequence in order for a mail-monitoring program -- originally xbuffy -- I spent days/weeks modified for sylpheed to work).
>But I am interested in your filer script for curiosity's sake also. I looked around your bin pages but could not easily figure out which one it was: of course, it may not also be there.

You want the "mailfiler" script in my bin directory, but that is only a 
stub which invokes the Python module. The easiest way 
to get that is:

    pip install

which should also get you a "mailfiler" command in the Python bin directory.

The source code is here:

being the code, the command line man page and the rules syntax man page 

You'll see that the rules syntax is far more succinct and readable than 

It does require some setup, and if you bother to try it I'd be interested 
to know how that plays out and might be improved, because it doubtless 
has an assortment of assumed things about my personal environment.

The basic command is "mailfiler monitor", which watches a set of 
Maildirs as incoming mail spools, and applies per spool folder rules to 
each message which arrives. So you fetch mail into the spool folder, and 
the daemon files from theere, separately from the mail fetcher.

Like you, I have a few mail identities - my main personal one and some 
workplace ones - I fetch each into distinct spool folders basic so that 
they can get a ittle per-workplace cross filing, then copy them all 
additionally into my "spool-in", where my main rules live.

Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx>
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