On 2020-08-22 02:53, Tom H wrote:
On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 1:57 AM ToddAndMargo via users
<users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Followup: I create a number of bash functions to
handle the task(s). Thank you all for the help!
function GetIP () {
echo "$(ip -f inet route | grep -i $InetDev | grep -i src | awk
'{print $9}')"
function CheckInternetStatus () {
local GoogleDNS="";
local RtnStr="$( ping -W .1 -c 1 $GoogleDNS | grep loss );"
# echo "RtnStatus = <$?> RtnStr = <$RtnStr>" > "/dev/tty"
if [[ "$RtnStr" == *", 0% packet loss"* ]]; then
echo "UP"
echo "DOWN"
function GetPublicIP () {
local WIP=$(dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com)
# echo "WIP = <$WIP>" > "/dev/tty"
if [[ "$WIP" == *"not found"* || "$WIP" == *"no servers could be
reached"* ]]; then
WIP="Not Found"
echo $WIP
function GetGW () {
echo "$(route -n | grep eno2 | grep UG | sed -n 1,1p | awk '{print
function UpDownedEthernetDevices () {
local State=""
local LinkState=""
for Line in $(nmcli device | grep ethernet | awk '{print $1}'); do
State="$(nmcli device | grep $Line | awk '{print $3}')"
LinkState="$(ip address | grep eno2 | awk -F "," '{print $3}')"
# echo "Line = <$Line> State = <$State> LinkState =
<$LinkState>')" > "/dev/tty"
if [ "$State" == "disconnected" ]; then
echo "Reconnecting $Line" > "/dev/tty"
/usr/bin/nmcli device disconnect $Line
/usr/bin/nmcli device connect $Line
/usr/bin/nmcli connection down $Line
/usr/bin/nmcli connection up $Line
elif [[ $LinkState == "DOWN" ]]; then
echo "Reattaching (link) $Line" > "/dev/tty"
beesu "ip link set $Line down; ip link set $Line up;"
echo "Reconnecting $Line" > "/dev/tty"
/usr/bin/nmcli connection down $Line
/usr/bin/nmcli connection up $Line
function DisplayStatus () {
local Msg=""
local GW=""
local IP=""
local InternetStatus="$(CheckInternetStatus)"
local PublicIP=""
# if [ -n "$(netstat -rn | grep -i $InetDev | grep -i UG)" ]; then
if [ "$InternetStatus" == "UP" ]; then
# Msg+="$InetDev successfully started and is a gateway\n\n"
Msg+="Internet is $InternetStatus\n"
Msg+="Public IP=$PublicIP\n"
echo -e $Msg > "/dev/tty"
zenity --title "$Title Status" --info --text "$Msg" --width=250
Msg="Internet ($InetDev) is down"
echo -e $Msg > "/dev/tty"
zenity --title "$Title Status" --info --text "$Msg" --width=200
Without looking at what your functions are actually doing:-
Things that I don't understand:
1) Why do you use "$InetDev" in GetIP and "eno2 in GetGW and
Because I screwed up. Good catch. If $INetDev had changed,
I would have had some troubleshooting to do! I fixed.
2) Why do you use "-i" for grep in GetIP?
"-i" is case insensitive. Do do it out of habit. Makes
so I don't have to constantly wonder about the case.
I use the method ".lc" in Raku (Perl 6) all the time for
the same reason. I just don't trust the case.
When I am careening through web pages, I often
find the web developer will change case on me at
times. So I plan for him.
3) Why do you use "sed -n 1,1p" in GetGW?
Because I only wanted the first line. Sometimes
with that commend you get two lines back. I am
covering all my bases.
4) Why do you use "route" in GetGW when you're using "ip" elsewhere
and "net-tools" isn't installed by default?
I like to mixed up all the different way of doing things.
Sort of like showing alternate examples as I go
Use of awk
1) "grep search | awk {...}" is the same as "awk '/search/ {...}"
2) "grep search1 | grep search2 | awk {...}" is the same as "awk
'/search1/ && /search2/ {...}"
I have a cheat sheet of awk examples. I tend to use what I remember
first though. I should learn the "search" property
and stick it in the sheet. Problem is that I am migrating
away from bash and into Raku (Perl 6) as I have a bazillion
times more power in Raku. And Raku is just plain fun to
program in.
I should post these things here more often. You are a great
second pair of eyes!
Here is my latest:
This is from another program. I find it almost impossible
to find my gateway if the device is down. In the program,
all the devices need to be up anyway, so I up anyone that
is down. I use both "device" and "connection" as I
find that if cone does not work, the other will. I also
"down" first as sometimes I have found "up" error out
on me if I don't first down. So, I am covering my bases.
function UpDownedEthernetDevices () {
local State=""
local LinkState=""
for Line in $(nmcli device | grep ethernet | awk '{print $1}'); do
State="$(nmcli device | grep $Line | awk '{print $3}')"
LinkState="$(ip address | grep eno2 | awk -F "," '{print $3}')"
# echo "Line = <$Line> State = <$State> LinkState =
<$LinkState>')" > "/dev/tty"
if [ "$State" == "disconnected" ]; then
echo "Reconnecting $Line" > "/dev/tty"
/usr/bin/nmcli device disconnect $Line
/usr/bin/nmcli device connect $Line
/usr/bin/nmcli connection down $Line
/usr/bin/nmcli connection up $Line
elif [[ $LinkState == "DOWN" ]]; then
echo "Reattaching (link) $Line" > "/dev/tty"
beesu "ip link set $Line down; ip link set $Line up;"
echo "Reconnecting $Line" > "/dev/tty"
/usr/bin/nmcli connection down $Line
/usr/bin/nmcli connection up $Line
eth1=$(netstat -rn | grep UG | awk '{print $8}' | sed -n 1,1p)
if [ -z $eth1 ]; then
echo "Unable to find an Internet connected device, defaulting to $eth1"
This is the updated functions I originally posted. They
contain fixes you pointed out and tabs in the status
function to pretty it up:
function GetIP () {
echo "$(ip -f inet route | grep -i $InetDev | grep -i src | awk
'{print $9}')"
function CheckInternetStatus () {
local GoogleDNS="";
local RtnStr="$( ping -W .1 -c 1 $GoogleDNS | grep loss );"
# echo "RtnStatus = <$?> RtnStr = <$RtnStr>" > "/dev/tty"
if [[ "$RtnStr" == *", 0% packet loss"* ]]; then
echo "UP"
echo "DOWN"
function GetPublicIP () {
local WIP=$(dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com)
# echo "WIP = <$WIP>" > "/dev/tty"
if [[ "$WIP" == *"not found"* || "$WIP" == *"no servers could be
reached"* ]]; then
WIP="Not Found"
echo $WIP
function GetGW () {
echo "$(route -n | grep $InetDev | grep UG | sed -n 1,1p | awk
'{print $2}')"
function UpDownedEthernetDevices () {
local State=""
local LinkState=""
for Line in $(/usr/bin/nmcli device | grep ethernet | awk '{print
$1}'); do
State="$(/usr/bin/nmcli device | grep $Line | awk '{print $3}')"
LinkState="$(ip address | grep $InetDev | awk -F "," '{print $3}')"
# echo "Line = <$Line> State = <$State> LinkState =
<$LinkState>')" > "/dev/tty"
if [ "$State" == "disconnected" ]; then
echo "Reconnecting $Line" > "/dev/tty"
/usr/bin/nmcli device disconnect $Line
/usr/bin/nmcli device connect $Line
/usr/bin/nmcli connection down $Line
/usr/bin/nmcli connection up $Line
elif [[ $LinkState == "DOWN" ]]; then
echo "Reattaching (link) $Line" > "/dev/tty"
beesu "ip link set $Line down; ip link set $Line up;"
echo "Reconnecting $Line" > "/dev/tty"
/usr/bin/nmcli connection down $Line
/usr/bin/nmcli connection up $Line
function DisplayStatus () {
local Msg=""
local GW=""
local IP=""
local InternetStatus="$(CheckInternetStatus)"
local PublicIP=""
# if [ -n "$(netstat -rn | grep -i $InetDev | grep -i UG)" ]; then
if [ "$InternetStatus" == "UP" ]; then
# Msg+="$InetDev successfully started and is a gateway\n\n"
Msg+="\tInternet is $InternetStatus\n\n"
Msg+="IP\t\t= $IP\n"
Msg+="gw\t\t= $GW\n"
Msg+="Public IP\t= $PublicIP\n"
echo -e $Msg > "/dev/tty"
zenity --title "$Title Status" --info --text "$Msg" --width=250
Msg="Internet ($InetDev) is down"
echo -e $Msg > "/dev/tty"
zenity --title "$Title Status" --info --text "$Msg" --width=200
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