Fonts "forgotten" on boot (changes to font cache)

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I've been dealing with this absolutely bizarre issue for a few weeks now where
installed fonts seem to be "forgotten" on boot. My desktop is a combination of
tiling window manager (i3) and status bar (polybar), and when I start up my
computer I find that the compact bitmap font (curie, manually installed) that
the status bar is supposed to use has been replaced by a much larger and uglier

After digging around to see if either of the above programs were the cause of
it (some change made to the status bar's configuration when updating the
program, etc.), I discovered that apparently the font I assigned to the status
bar was no longer part of the system font cache--"fc-list | grep curie" returns
nothing. The bizarre part is, the font files are still in their directory in
/usr/share/fonts/, and running "sudo fc-cache -fv" results in the fonts both
appearing on my status bar and showing up when I run "fc-list."

But this has become a regular issue as I said for several weeks--it took some
time to recognize this as a persistent issue and not just some accidental
consequence of me mucking around somewhere that I shouldn't have. If I had to
try and be more specific I'd say the problem has existed since kernel 5.7 was
released in F32 (not saying I think it's kernel-related, but that's the only
milestone I can think of to date this problem).

I know very little about how fonts work in Linux in general and am hoping
someone could shed some light on why this may be happening. In my limited
understanding, it seems like something is happening to my font cache at
shutdown/startup that is causing at least some fonts to be excluded even though
they are still installed in the system font directory. I'm assuming some other
program/process is making some sort of change to the font cache, but as this is
the system and not user font directory, wouldn't said program/process need to
have elevated permissions to make these changes? How would I even begin trying
to track down what's responsible for this issue?

Thank you in advance.
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