Re: Curious: Hang at open trying to rip dvd?

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>  139255322 us     [ 180481085 ]

This says that the run already lasted 180 seconds and the SCSI command
to which this line belongs lasted 139 seconds. (Your patience is in
good shape.)


There are only two of these commands in the course of normal drive
examination by libburn. So the long running command was probably

Whatever, open(2) worked. Else there would be no SCSI transactions.

> 12 00 0dd0 00 24 00
> From drive: 36b
> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>       25 us     [ 180481551 ]
> --- SG_IO: host_status= 0x7 SG_ERR_DID_ERROR (Internal error detected in the
> host adapter)

This is an error reported by the Linux kernel, not by the drive.
  "SG_ERR_DID_ERROR [0x07] Internal error detected in the host adapter.
   This may not be fatal (and the command may have succeeded). The aic7xxx
   and sym53c8xx adapter drivers sometimes report this for data underruns
   or overruns. [1]
   [1] In some cases the sym53cxx driver reports a DID_ERROR when it
   internally rounds up an odd transfer length by 1. This is an example
   of a "non-error".

Well, those drivers seem to be for parallel SCSI which the cool guys had
instead of parallel ATA back 20 years.
I doubt that USB drivers report SG_ERR_DID_ERROR if no error happened.
The reply of 36 0-bytes is not what a drive should send. It should
rather tell its manufacturer name, model name, and firmware revision.

> --- SG_IO: Gave up connection to drive

That's a decision of libburn. Thus the misery ends for this run.

> If I run it under strace, it is by golly hanging at open:
> openat(AT_FDCWD, "/dev/sr0", O_RDWR|O_EXCL|O_NONBLOCK

Hrmpf. strace reports "openat(2)" where libburn calls open(2).

> But wait! After thirty second or so the open finally worked (returned 3)

So far so good. Although very suspicious by the long time.

> and it hangs in a new place:
> ioctl(3, SG_IO, {interface_id='S', dxfer_direction=SG_DXFER_NONE, cmd_len=6,
> cmdp="\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", mx_sb_len=0, iovec_count=0, dxfer_len=0,
> timeout=12345, flags=0

That's one of the SCSI command transaction where the kernel as messenger
between userland and drive.
cmdp tells that the command is TEST UNIT READY, the most harmless of all.
It just asks the drive whether it is ok to request access to the medium
or to ask for info about the medium.
If the answer is "not yet", then libburn will repeat to send the command
until the drive reports "ready" or "finally not ready".

Above Linux SG_ERR_DID_ERROR happened after at least one such TEST UNIT
READY command. The drive had already returned from a START/STOP UNIT
command which told it to load the tray and to speed up the disc.


This does not really look like region resctrictions.
Much more like controller or cable problems.

If this was a slim drive in a fancy flat USB box i'd ask whether it gets
its electrical power via USB cable.
There have been cases that drives fell unconscious while speeding up
the disc because the computer did not deliver stable voltage.

But WH16NS40 is a 5.25 inch drive. Matching boxes usually have an own
power supply (which wastes energy by staying warm).

What model of OWC box exactly do you have ?

Have a nice day :)

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