Re: What is better a 2nd drive for Raid 1 or a backup one?

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On 24Dec2019 14:47, Javier Perez <pepebuho@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have my /home partition on a 2TB HDD drive about half full. Should be
doing regular backups but not in the habit.

What is better?
A. Purchase a second 2TB to create a Raid1 mirror or
B. Purchase a second 4TB drive for backup purposes.

If case B, should I get a USB3.0 adapter or similar so that I could just
plug the HDD, let it do the backup and unplug and store it? Or is it better
to install it on another networked pc and do it through the network?

Is there a better, easier, less troublesome option to keep the data safe
that does not involve the cloud?

This is a home network

As pointed out, these are 2 different requirements. My recommendation: do both. (Yes, more $s, alas.)

Let me describe our home setup.

Our personal machines are Macs which we backup with TimeMachine to drives which generally live in a drawer (i.e. not online, and less visible to theft).

Our home server and media machine is an Ubuntu Linux box. The main storage area is a pair of 8TB drives in RAID1. We like RAID1 because it means that a single drive works standalone, even without RAID - RAID5 etc distributes the data more complexly. This makes RAID1 handy for recovery in another machine (eg plugged into a USB cradle).

If you have RAID1 I recommend you have a cron job to monitor it. I run my chkmdstat script once every 5 minutes; it is silent when things are good and thus generates an email if a drive fails:

We back up the main area to external USB3 drives (we like WD MyPassports, but there are equivalent products for similar prices; a nice USB powered 2TB or 4TB drive). We keep 2 backups: an "online" one which is updated regularly and an "offline" one which lives in a drawer where accidents won't happen to it.

You'll notice that 2TB < 8TB. (WD now sell a 4TB MyPassport, but that is still <8TB.)

We divide the main area into different areas for backup (I'm in the midst of changing this to use a tagging scheme instead of directory layout) and backup some areas to backup A, some to backup B and so forth. This manages the space requirement. It sounds like your home machine is small enough to fit in a single external drive, so you are spared this pain.

I use histbackup for these backups; it is an rsync wrapper which keeps multiple historic backups as hardlinked trees named after the backup date. So a new backup goes: hard link the last tree to the new tree and rsync into it. Since rsync makes new files for changes this keeps the hard links for unchanged files and makes shiny new files for changes, so the cost is incremental.

Histbackup is here:

There are plenty of other similar tools.

These days, to reduce the likelihood of accidental damage to the backups I like to have the "A1" backup plugged in but not mounted ("A2" is the second copy which lives in a drawer). This also has the advantage that provided a backup is not running you are free to unplug or plug in the external drive at will, because it is unmounted.

The backup script has the form:

   if mount /mnt/backupA
       histbackup into /mnt/backupA/area from /app8tb/area
       umount /mnt/backupA

(Obviously the real script reads mountpoints and areas in a loop to do several backups.)

My fstab has lines for each backup drive, eg:

   LABEL=ARCHIVE_1A       /mnt/archive1_a       xfs     user,noauto,noatime        0 0

so that the mounts work; you just have to label the USB drive filesystems when you make them. I also put a little paper sticker on each drive to describe it.

Finally, if you have multiple external drives (eg multiple backup drives for space reasons, or both the 1 and 2 copies plugged in at once) I recommend doing the backups in series, not in parallel; I've a little 4 port USB4 hub and have had bad experiences trying to run both drives at once - might be lack of power, might be dodgy hardware, might be USB driver issues. Anyway, I/O errors ensued.

Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx>
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