Re: Enlarging the swap partition

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sure the OP doesn't need GPT.
Not strongly/imperative !

and my suggestions are far away from just "extend swap".

but he needs to save his data anyway (backup) before he moves his partitions with gparted.
- I never would manipulate partition WITHOUT an backup ! -

a second backup is needed again if he - in the future - needs to change something within his first three primary partitions and of cause a gparted run.

a extended partition with logical's in and on top of that /home (with the dearest data) as one of the logical partition was always - in my experiences - obstructive and time comsuming !

even if the OP decides in the future to run windows in addition to linux on his ONE disk box: he is fxxked: windows claims the first (and the second ?) primary partition as it's install target. 

what do you do if you need to update your bios and the vendor only provides windows based bios updates ?
WinPE might work and what if not ?
second disk ?
available ?

sure with the current partition layout it might be doable again with gparted, too. (but why to spend the time again for the same tasks ? I'm lazy !)

I was pissed often to move data lasting for hours caused by an aged limit of 4 primary partitions only (or 3x primary and 1x extended with x logical) before GPT was introduced/avaiable for linux. 

my suggestion/intentions was/is "do it once, but do it (mostly) right then" with the view of most time saving/flexibility/etc for the future.

the time you need to move full partitions with gparted is - in my view - "simular" maybe longer then the time needed to do an fresh install (< 1 h) AND the pending user configuration/restore data (time depends on user needs) ?!

agreed ?

sure if you move empty partitions (backuped and then erased) OR erase sda5, sda4, resize sda{1,2,3} and create new sda{4,5, ..} you won't agree. quiet clear !

But you need to restore the data (/home on sda5), anyway.

Why not restore it on an nicer partition layout ?

so, if I need to do so much work (error prone for my taste: nobody warrants gparted won't fail ! - it hadn't in past though, but ... -) spending additional < 1 h for an new install on an clean/non-obstructive/etc. partition layout (GPT) is not much additional time. (the time for the restore is needed in any case [gparted without backup: no go !])

The time the OP needs to successfully perform the tasks I suggest is - maybe - somewhat higher then to just "extend swap".
But maybe it might be shorter (I can't guess the time needed for user configurations after install to the current state) even if gparted fails somehow (no electron out of the wall for a second, ...). 

I just try to prevent the OP for maybe bad, time consumming, un-needed, reiterating experiences I maid years ago with a one disk box.

That all ! 
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